Partners to get new opportunities in delivering deployment services and training.
- By Scott Bekker
- 09/01/2005
More than 300,000 devices. About 10,000 servers, 2,000 IT staff and the same number of contractors and vendors. The most attacked
network in the world. Meet the man responsible for keeping it all going.
- By Scott Bekker
- 09/01/2005
Microsoft beta products: A look at what's coming, when it's coming and why you should care.
Symantec's AntiVirus Corporate Edition 10 makes virus protection simple and easy while maintaining a robust protection level.
- By Danielle Ruest and Nelson Ruest
- 08/30/2005
Biometric firm that once targeted government now looks to partners to address SMBs.
- By Michael Domingo
- 08/17/2005
A problem in Microsoft's process for posting patches to the Microsoft Download Center during the August patch day on Tuesday caused users attempting to pull down a critical cumulative patch for Internet Explorer to receive a corrupted file.
- By Scott Bekker
- 08/10/2005
Microsoft released six security bulletins on Patch Tuesday, including three bulletins rated "critical." All six bulletins involved Windows, and one of the bulletins also involved Internet Explorer.
- By Scott Bekker
- 08/09/2005
Even as Microsoft unveiled the new, mandatory Genuine Advantage 1.0 last week, hackers were prepared to show anyone who wants to bypass the anti-counterfeit device exactly how to do so.
System Center Data Protection Manager 2006 (DPM) lets you go beyond the Volume Shadow Copy Service to the next level of backup capability. Learn how you can use DPM to better protect your data.
- By Danielle Ruest and Nelson Ruest
- 08/02/2005
After years of unfulfilled promises, biometrics products are finally entering the mainstream. Here's a look at some of the most common solutions offered and how they measure up against each other.
- By Joern Wettern
- 08/01/2005
A script that uses Devcon.exe to disable dirty connections when the computer is connected to the corporate (private) network, compliments of a Mr. Script reader.
- By Chris Brooke
- 08/01/2005
Shavlik Technologies is going public with a very high-end patch management offering for the most select of Windows customers -- those who have already shelled out a reputed $200,000 or more to Microsoft for a Custom Support Agreement for Windows NT 4.0.
- By Scott Bekker
- 07/28/2005
The percentage of the Windows XP installed base protected by the firewall, Automatic Updates, virus subscription warnings, rewritten code and other baseline security measures in Service Pack 2 keeps inching up.
- By Scott Bekker
- 07/28/2005
Patch management vendor Shavlik Technologies is branching out into enterprise anti-spyware software as a first step toward a broader enterprise security product suite.
- By Scott Bekker
- 07/27/2005
Biometric devices offer more security
than standalone passwords. Here are three products that go beyond
the basics for authentication and verification.
Technologies coming this fall should make configuring, administering and securing exchange e-mail via mobile phones an order of magnitude easier.
The topic this month is no laughing matter.
- By Paul Desmond
- 07/01/2005
Many DMZs aren't as secure as you might think -- here's how to determine if yours have outlived their usefulness.
- By Joern Wettern
- 07/01/2005
Redmond's newest CTO hopes to make his mark on Microsoft's collaboration efforts, and perhaps much more.
An analyst with Gartner warned customers that a recent spike in scanning activity on TCP Port 445 may mean attackers are gearing up to exploit a flaw patched last week by Microsoft in the widely used SMB protocol.
- By Scott Bekker
- 06/23/2005