Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo Inc. are beginning a limited test of plans to make their instant messaging systems work together.
- By The Associated Press
- 07/13/2006
North Korea has been operating a cyber warfare unit that seeks to hack into South Korea's military command communication network and destroy Internet servers, a South Korean intelligence official said Wednesday.
- By The Associated Press
- 07/12/2006
The State Department is recovering from large-scale computer break-ins worldwide over the past several weeks that appeared to target its headquarters and offices dealing with China and North Korea, The Associated Press has learned.
- By The Associated Press
- 07/12/2006
Microsoft Corp. issued seven patches to fix a variety of flaws, five of which the company has deemed "critical" -- its highest security rating.
Microsoft is shipping a free downloadable tool to let users create a private folder where they can store sensitive files.
- By Stuart J. Johnston
- 07/06/2006
Britain's top law enforcement official on Thursday approved the extradition to the United States of an alleged computer hacker accused of damaging U.S. military systems.
- By The Associated Press
- 07/06/2006
An FBI computer consultant gained access to the secret passwords of Director Robert Mueller and others using free software found on the Internet, the latest embarrassment in the bureau's long struggle to modernize its computers.
- By The Associated Press
- 07/06/2006
Altiris, Inc., last week announced the Altiris Endpoint Security Solution, a package meant to help IT set a balance between security and business productivity.
- By Stuart J. Johnston
- 07/05/2006
Data storage provider EMC Corp. saw its stock dive Friday after announcing a $2.1 billion deal for RSA Security Inc. that represented a hefty premium for the computer authentication provider.
- By The Associated Press
- 07/03/2006
Specops Password Policy creates and enforces multiple password policies within Active Directory.
- By Danielle Ruest and Nelson Ruest
- 07/01/2006
Security is the focus of the latest Exchange 12 beta.
Joern demystifies common misconceptions about SSL and complex passwords.
- By Joern Wettern
- 07/01/2006
The Bush administration's cybersecurity chief is being paid $577,000 under a two-year agreement with the university that employs him and also does extensive business with the federal office he manages.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/28/2006
An alliance of businesses, colleges and federal crime fighters will combine their expertise at a new research center that will study the problems of identity theft and fraud.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/28/2006
Police in Britain and Finland have arrested three men suspected of conspiring to spread computer viruses through spamming, Metropolitan Police said.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/27/2006
As more people turn to Web applications for everyday tasks like e-mail, friendship and payments, cyber criminals are following them in search of bank account details and other valuable data, security researchers said.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/26/2006
Say goodbye soon to those pop-up ads from Claria Corp.'s oft-vilified ad-targeting technology. On July 1, Claria will stop running ads generated by its pioneering but highly criticized "adware" programs that monitor where people surf.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/26/2006
A hacker broke into the Agriculture Department's computer system and may have obtained names, Social Security identification numbers and photos of 26,000 Washington-area employees and contractors, the department said.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/22/2006
Ohio University said Tuesday it has suspended two information technology supervisors over recent breaches by hackers who may have stolen 173,000 Social Security numbers from school computers.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/21/2006
As new disclosures mount about government surveillance programs, computer science researchers hope to wade into the fray by enabling data mining that also protects individual privacy.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/19/2006