Police nab suspects responsible for hacking into goverment sites in South America, Asia and United States.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/06/2006
Security vendor, as well as competitors, will offer ways to defend against phishing sites and other Internet attacks.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/06/2006
An online media and advertising company accused of unfairly and deceptively downloading its software onto consumers' computers has agreed to pay a $3 million fine to the Federal Trade Commission.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/06/2006
Longtime rivals will work to make Windows and Linux work more smoothly for business customers.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/02/2006
Total Traffic Control puts you at the helm of your network traffic.
For some security chores, outsourcing just might be the right answer.
- By Joern Wettern
- 11/01/2006
Is it the people and processes or the tools and technology?
Narus Inc., a maker of network technology to monitor phone and Internet traffic, or even help block certain communications like a Skype call, said Monday it has raised $30 million in new capital to fund development of next-generation products and expand overseas sales.
- By The Associated Press
- 10/30/2006
Pirates selling illegal software in online auctions such as eBay taken to court worldwide.
- By The Associated Press
- 10/30/2006
Seagate Technology LLC hopes its new security system for the hard drive will become the most formidable barrier between computer data and thieves.
- By The Associated Press
- 10/30/2006
A network administrator for a peer-to-peer Internet file-sharing system has been sentenced to five months in prison for copyright infringement.
- By The Associated Press
- 10/27/2006
The first company to be convicted under Australia's tough anti-spamming laws was fined Friday 5.5 million Australian dollars for sending 280 million advertising e-mails.
- By The Associated Press
- 10/27/2006
Microsoft today acknowledged that one of two IE7 security flaws alleged by Denmark-based security firm Secunia could leave systems vulnerable.
Microsoft began shipping the final code for version 1 of its Windows Defender free anti-spyware tool on Monday.
- By Stuart J. Johnston
- 10/26/2006
Company quietly fixes screen freezing component flaw in several thousand machines used in Maryland.
- By The Associated Press
- 10/26/2006
A hacker known for cracking the copy-protection technology in DVDs claims to have unlocked the playback restrictions of Apple Computer Inc.'s iPod and iTunes music products and plans to license his code to others.
Counterpane co-founded by cryptologist Bruce Schneier
- By The Associated Press
- 10/25/2006
Microsoft announced this week that Beta 2 of its upcoming Certificate Lifecycle Manager, or CLM, is available for download. That puts the product on track to ship in final form during the first half of 2007, according to company officials
- By Stuart J. Johnston
- 10/25/2006
The government has launched investigations into fraud cases in which computer hackers apparently manipulated client accounts at two of the nation's largest electronic brokerages, stealing millions of dollars.
- By The Associated Press
- 10/25/2006
Hacking into client accounts being investigated by FBI; other brokerage houses also affected.
- By The Associated Press
- 10/24/2006