
Google, Microsoft, IBM, VeriSign and Yahoo Join OpenID Board

In a move that could help deliver single sign-on to the masses, Google, Microsoft, IBM, VeriSign and Yahoo have joined a consortium that backs a common federated identity specification.

Microsoft To Release Critical Patches for Vista, XP, Office, IE, Visual Basic

Redmond's February patch release is slated to roll out 12 security fixes -- seven rated "Critical," and five deemed "Important."

Windows Kernel Flaw -- Critical But Not, Says Redmond

Security firm provides video of a proof-of-concept flaw in Microsoft's IGMP networking protocol.

Google Selling More E-Mail Security

Google Inc. is adding more e-mail security and storage products for businesses, sharpening its aim on a Microsoft Corp. stronghold while the competition between the two rivals also heats up in Internet search and advertising.

Windows Server 2008, Vista SP1 Released to Manufacturing

Microsoft today announced that two of its most important products of the last half-decade are complete and ready to be shipped.

Use of Live Customer Data in Application Testing Still Widespread

A survey released by Compuware Corporation and the Ponemon Institute shows "an overwhelming majority of organizations surveyed risk compromising critical information by using actual customer data for the development and testing of applications."

Virtualization Done Differently

Microsoft's SoftGrid Application Virtualization makes managing applications more secure.

A NAP Is Good for Your Health

Windows Server 2008's built-in Network Access Protection makes sure only healthy computers get into your network.

Microsoft Launches New Security Blog

Patch Tuesday releases promise be a lot more interesting in 2008.

Windows Home Server Causing File Corruption

Microsoft is facing its first crisis with Windows Home Server, which is causing file corruption when used with certain programs -- most of them from Microsoft itself.

Internet Explorer 8 Passes Acid2 Test

Internet Explorer has been a source of chagrin to many Web developers over the years due to less-than-perfect W3C standards support. This problem was pervasive with Internet Explorer 6, considering how badly the aging 2001-era browser renders modern CSS-driven layouts.

Microsoft Releases Stopgap Fix for Flawed IE Patch

Automated workaround replaces manual Windows Registry reset, which elicits mixed response from security experts.

Group Says Yahoo China Loses Piracy Suit

An industry group says it has won a new round in a court battle with Yahoo Inc.'s China arm, which is accused of helping online music pirates.

New Exploit Targets Web 2.0 Technologies

Just when you thought life couldn't get any riskier for Web app developers, a new species of malicious code is poised to begin oozing onto our networks. Dubbed "Trojans 2.0" by Web security vendor Finjan, this new Web-borne threat leverages Web 2.0 technology -- RSS feeds, social networks, blogs and mashups -- to provide crackers with easy and scalable command-and-control schemes.

Internet Explorer Problems Explode

With hundreds of millions of lines of code contained in Web browser applications, even the most informed and seasoned developers are bound to overlook a couple of things.

Patch Locks Out Some IE Users

Harold Decker usually installs Microsoft's security patches the day after the release, one Wednesday a month with no fanfare.

2008: Year of the Vista Patch?

Just moments after Microsoft rolled out its last seven patches of 2007, security experts were prognosticating all over cyberspace, mainly pointing out the overwhelming number of fixes related to the Vista operating system in the December release alone.

Exploit Targets Microsoft Access Database

Exploits continue to dog Microsoft programs and applications, as a government agency announced this week that a bug is in the wild that takes advantage of a flaw in Microsoft's Access Database.

No Surprises in Last Patch Tuesday for 2007

As expected, the last Patch Tuesday offers fixes for seven vulnerabilities -- three of them critical -- and sets the tone for 2008 as the "year of the Vista Patch."

Former Microsoft Program Manager Accused of Stealing +$1M

Carolyn M. Gudmundson, a former Microsoft program manager for MSDN, faces arraignment this week on 18 felony counts of wire and mail fraud in the U.S. District Court of Washington, Western District of Washington, Seattle.

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