
Microsoft Releases 6 Critical Patches

For the February security bulletin release, Microsoft rolled out six "Critical" fixes -- rather than the seven detailed in the advanced notice.

Microsoft Will Release Vista SP1 Early to 'Technical Customers'

Microsoft reversed an earlier decision that would have forced IT pros to wait until mid-March to get their hands on Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

Google, Microsoft, IBM, VeriSign and Yahoo Join OpenID Board

In a move that could help deliver single sign-on to the masses, Google, Microsoft, IBM, VeriSign and Yahoo have joined a consortium that backs a common federated identity specification.

Microsoft To Release Critical Patches for Vista, XP, Office, IE, Visual Basic

Redmond's February patch release is slated to roll out 12 security fixes -- seven rated "Critical," and five deemed "Important."

Windows Kernel Flaw -- Critical But Not, Says Redmond

Security firm provides video of a proof-of-concept flaw in Microsoft's IGMP networking protocol.

Google Selling More E-Mail Security

Google Inc. is adding more e-mail security and storage products for businesses, sharpening its aim on a Microsoft Corp. stronghold while the competition between the two rivals also heats up in Internet search and advertising.

Windows Server 2008, Vista SP1 Released to Manufacturing

Microsoft today announced that two of its most important products of the last half-decade are complete and ready to be shipped.

Use of Live Customer Data in Application Testing Still Widespread

A survey released by Compuware Corporation and the Ponemon Institute shows "an overwhelming majority of organizations surveyed risk compromising critical information by using actual customer data for the development and testing of applications."

Virtualization Done Differently

Microsoft's SoftGrid Application Virtualization makes managing applications more secure.

A NAP Is Good for Your Health

Windows Server 2008's built-in Network Access Protection makes sure only healthy computers get into your network.

Cable Break Causes Wide Internet Outage

At least for a while, the World Wide Web wasn't so worldwide.

Web 2.0 Threats Loom Large for IT

With the seemingly exponential growth of Web 2.0 technologies, IT professionals in education -- and all other sectors, for that matter -- face new challenges as control over technology slips away and moves into the hands of users.

Joyent's Hosted Apps Back Up, Going Open Source

After a more than week-long crash of a server hosting two of its inexpensive Web-based services, Strongspace and BingoDisk, Joyent is taking steps to address customer complaints following the outages -- and taking both applications open source.

Campus Security: 13 Data Breaches Reported So Far This Month

A breach at Baylor University is the latest in a string of more than a dozen data security incidents on United States campuses reported by a variety of sources so far in January 2008.

Excel Flaw Highlights Need for Better App Security

Experts believe the rising number of exploits targeting Excel gives hackers incentive to continually exploit applications -- rather than operating systems -- for flaws.

VMware Manages the Release Lifecycle

Virtualization pioneer VMware has released the public beta of its new deployment management product, VMware Stage Manager. The application is based on the company's flagship virtualization platform, VMware Infrastructure 3.

Macs Vulnerable to Malware? Say It Ain't So!

IT security firm Sophos this week let the cat out of the bag, spilled the beans, and otherwise debunked the widely treasured myth that Macs are invulnerable to malware in its Security Threat Report 2008; released Tuesday.

Cable Co. Empties 14,000 E-Mail Accounts

Charter Communications officials believe a software error during routine maintenance caused the company to delete the contents of 14,000 customer e-mail accounts.

Microsoft Releases Slew of Minor Vista Fixes

Microsoft has posted a number of Vista fixes to its download Web site in the past week.

Cisco Security Agent Bonked By BOV

Plus: SonicWALL exposes VPN; Microsoft kills 'kill switch'; ESPN sports bad code; more.

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