
'Whaling' Scam Targets Execs Via Tax Court Ruse

A new whaling scam -- that's a phishing scam that targets big game -- using a supposed U.S. Tax Court notification as bait has reeled in about 600 victims so far, according to Internet security firm SecureWorks.

Survey: Insider Theft Tops CIO Worry List

A majority of North American IT chiefs view theft from within as a much greater threat than theft from without, according to a new survey from Secure Computing Corp., an enterprise gateway security provider.

P2P Breach Leads to Walter Reed Data Leak

An investigation launched Tuesday into the possible compromise of about 1,000 patient records at Walter Reed Army Medical Center serves as a stern reminder of how dangerous peer-to-peer and other social networking applications can be, security experts warn.

Phishers Targeting Your Tax Dollars

A new phishing scam is targeting debit-card accounts used to deliver government benefits payments in 15 states.

Forefront's Communications Are 'Stirling'

Upcoming anti-malware suite offers integrated solution across the enterprise.

Glitch Postpones Windows XP SP3 Availability

One of Microsoft's retail point-of-sale applications has an incompatibility with Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

Experts Focus on Future of U.S. Cybersecurity

Whoever becomes our next president will inherit a cyber infrastructure under almost constant attack and at greater risk than eight years ago, and a handful of experts and legislators have come together to ensure that cybersecurity has a high priority in his or her administration.

Web Attacks on the Rise; E-mail Attacks Decline

According to a recent study from security and anti-virus specialist Sophos, servers in the U.S. and China host the lion's share of malware-infected Web sites. Meanwhile, Web attacks surged to an all-time high in the first quarter of this year, according to Sophos -- with no sign of dropping off any time soon.

Web Developers Left Holding the Bag on SQL Injection Attacks

Microsoft is claiming that an injection attack vulnerability discovered late last week and made public this week related to the popular business database application SQL, is not the company's fault but may lie with lax Web developers.

Phishing Scam Uses IRS Rebate Lure

The tax filing season has passed, the economic stimulus rebate season is upon us, and the phishers are changing their bait.

Bugs Are Up, Microsoft Security Report Says

New attack vectors and methods for hacker intrusion, it seems, are popping up every few months.

Information Security Set for Explosive Growth

Driven by compliance and public confidence issues, information security is expected to expand dramatically over the next few years, according to new research released by Frost & Sullivan and (ISC)².

Microsoft Releases Windows XP SP3 to Manufacturing

Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) has been released to manufacturing, according to a post on Microsoft TechNet.

Microsoft Investigating LocalSystem Access Bug

Security personnel in Redmond are investigating a newly reported zero-day bug vulnerability in Microsoft operating systems and server systems.

Hoax Subpoena E-Mails Shine Light on 'Spearphishing'

Hundreds of executives at some of America's most well-known companies received e-mails that they probably didn't want to get -- even if those messages weren't a hoax.

Council Publishes Guidelines for Securing Customer Data Online

The PCI Security Standards Council this week announced plans to issue new guidelines that it hopes will give transaction application developers and security specialists a clear direction to the path of least resistance when it comes to assessing risks surrounding customer and vendor data -- most notably, credit card and payment information.

Project Albany Moves Into Google Turf

Microsoft revealed "Albany," a consumer-oriented hosted service that provides Excel, PowerPoint and Word applications, plus security and collaboration tools.

Vista SP1 Expands Language Support, but Hits USB Snag

As of yesterday, Vista Service Pack 1 is now generally available in all 36 supported languages.

XP SP3 Release Rumors Continue

Rumors that Windows XP Service Pack 3 will appear this month continue to flourish.

Symantec: Online Security Concerns Growing in the Workplace

Windows processing environments put themselves at risk whenever they check their MySpace pages or shop for other goods and services -- all while at the workplace.

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