The number of compromised computers actively being used in botnets to launch attacks on any given day last year was about 75,000, according to a new report on Internet threats from Symantec Corp.
- By William Jackson
- 04/15/2009
Yes, Conficker manages to remain in minds of IT security. Plus: tweeting birds get the worm and why security standards equal a bad idea.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 04/14/2009
Default security settings in Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser could open a company's intranet to hacking attacks, according to a recent security white paper.
The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team warns that researchers on April 9 discovered a new variant of the Conficker worm that updates earlier infections via its peer-to-peer network.
- By William Jackson
- 04/10/2009
After some comparatively light patch rollouts in past months, Microsoft's April Patch Tuesday promises a fuller slate with eight security bulletins.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 04/09/2009
While the IT security community waited anxiously to see what havoc the Conficker worm might bring to infected systems on April 1, another worm slithered into the picture and now has Microsoft's full attention.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 04/08/2009
Microsoft has delayed the release of an upcoming enterprise security suite that integrates Microsoft Forefront security solutions, the company announced late last week.
- By Herb Torrens
- 04/08/2009
With a shrinking server market, financial services firms are porting more applications to Linux at the expense of Unix and other legacy platforms. While that has been an ongoing trend for many years, the motive has shifted in the past year from adding new functionality to reducing cost.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 04/08/2009
Plus: An un-'Stirling' roll-out; PCI Compliance is better than no compliance; more.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 04/07/2009
A new zero-day remote code execution vulnerability has come to Redmond's attention, this time affecting Microsoft Office PowerPoint.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 04/03/2009
HP rolled out a service suite this week to help enterprise IT departments adopt and manage cloud-based services.
- By Herb Torrens
- 04/02/2009
Defining the security model for your first foray with Hyper-V.
- By Rick Vanover
- 04/02/2009
How to find and protect it, in eight steps.
- By Zubair Alexander
- 04/01/2009
Conficker is scheduled to update itself April 1. But analysts say the appears to be an upgrade of its defenses rather than a planned attack.
- By William Jackson
- 04/01/2009
Managing Server Core can be a challenge; here are some tips to help you keep it secure.
- By Joern Wettern
- 04/01/2009
Security researchers say that unprecedented economic uncertainty is translating into unprecedented opportunity for purveyors of spam.
- By Stephen Swoyer
- 03/31/2009
Mozilla rolled out security updates for Firefox after the Web browser was hacked during a contest two weeks ago at a software security convention in Vancouver.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 03/30/2009
The Conficker frenzy continues as IT security pros prepare for April 1, when the worm is expected to take some action from infected systems.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 03/30/2009
Microsoft has tinkered with IE 8 and is now claiming a resolution to vulnerabilities amid a firestorm of chatter surrounding the browser's release last week.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 03/26/2009
The Windows Debugger plug-in explains all. Plus: IE 8 and Safari get taken down a notch; Conficker might be an April Fool's joke; Paladin rolls to the rescue.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 03/24/2009