Software security vendors like to point to glitches in Microsoft products, but they don't always get much acknowledgment from Redmond.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 09/08/2009
Microsoft is forecasting a rare Patch Tuesday next week, with all of the September security bulletins expected to be deemed "critical."
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 09/03/2009
For the second time this year, Microsoft issued a security advisory for possible vulnerabilities in its Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server software.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 09/02/2009
Microsoft investigates potential FTP flaw that can have admins breaking out in high fever. Plus: Live Messenger users to be forced to upgrade; RSA outlines guides for securing virtual environments.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 09/01/2009
Microsoft's upcoming Forefront Security for Exchange 2010 is an anti-spam solution that actually works.
- By Joern Wettern
- 09/01/2009
After the Vista debacle, seven could just be the lucky number for Windows. We review seven features of Windows 7 that could make the newest version of the OS the best Microsoft has produced in years.
- By J. Peter Bruzzese
- 09/01/2009
Two of the most troubling new threats are in the Domain Name System and Secure Sockets Layer, services users have trusted for years.
- By William Jackson
- 08/31/2009
Microsoft pointed to e-mail account "hijacking" as becoming an increasing problem, especially among Windows Live Hotmail users.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 08/27/2009
Spam volumes have increased fourfold during the last six months, accounting for a discouraging 94.9 percent of all e-mail delivered so far in August.
- By William Jackson
- 08/26/2009
Software from the biggest software company in the world is bound to be used by hackers for nefarious reasons. Plus: Redmond, Sophos scrap on security; ScanSafe survey finds more companies banning Facebook, Twitter.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 08/25/2009
Internet Explorer 8 will arrive as an "update rollup" via Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) on Tuesday, Aug. 25, Microsoft announced.
Researchers from Redmond this week unveiled an anti-hacking concept that can help track hackers or malicious content to origin servers.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 08/19/2009
If there's one thing that last month's attacks against public sector sites in both the U.S. and South Korea demonstrated, it's that the exploits of the past often come back to haunt us.
- By Stephen Swoyer
- 08/19/2009
A consortium of IT security companies is rolling out an XML malware metadata scheme to improve data sharing within the industry.
- By William Jackson
- 08/18/2009
Denial-of-service attacks launched last year against Georgian Web sites were carried out by Russian civilians and sympathizers rather than the government.
- By William Jackson
- 08/17/2009
Microsoft is putting out the word that users of Internet Explorer 6 should upgrade to IE 8, primarily for security and standards-compliance reasons.
Plus: Adobe Reader exploits growing; Twitter tweets on attacks; ACLU dismayed at White House cookie plans.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 08/11/2009
Tuesday's nine security patches are all about networking, the Internet, servers and interoperable components that tie everything together.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 08/11/2009
Expect nine patches in Microsoft's August security update, five "critical" and four "important," according to an advanced notification from Redmond.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 08/07/2009
System administrators might be more pleased than dismayed when a social networking site such as Twitter locks out millions of users.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 08/07/2009