
Guarding the Corporate Network

From your network and servers to workstations, Panda’s Global Virus Insurance protects you from nasty intruders.

The Design of a Messaging Freeway

Exam 70-225 tests your ability to think through the complex workings of an Exchange 2000 system in enterprises ranging from the small to the huge and multi-national.

Worth Its Weight

The Microsoft Encyclopedia of Networking's comprehensive inclusion of networking terms is balanced by the somewhat lightweight and succinct etymologies.

Systems Management —Anywhere, Anytime

At home — even in your pajamas — you can run your Windows 2000 network via the Internet. See how three Web-based management tools help you tackle the task.

Packets: Surfing Surveillance

It’s 1984 all over again — Big Brother IS watching.

Active Directory’s Ins and Outs

For a detailed look at Active Directory, peruse this technical reference.

A Surface View of Exchange 2000 Server

Don't expect to learn more about Exchange 2000 Server than the name of this book implies.

Missing for a Reason?

The missing manual that should have never been found.

Mastering Network Services

This volume will teach you the ins and outs of Windows 2000 Network Services.

Rescuing Your Windows System

Network bite the big one? ERD Commander 2000 might just be your savior.

Packets: Fine-Tuning Installation Choices

InstallShield’s Tuner tool helps you control network “featuritis.”

The SQL Server Challenge

You don’t have to be a DBA for a worldwide organization to pass this test, but you’d better know all the ins and outs of large database administration.

Figuring Out This Shell Game

This book is clearly for advanced shell programmers only.

Installation Software Marches On

Wise raises the bar in Windows Installer software — again.

Tapping into Active Directory’s Full Potential

Once you set up AD, who’s going to maintain it all? These four tools address delegation and management challenges.

Be Proactive in Event Log Monitoring

TNT’s Event Log Monitor offers consolidated log entry viewing, plus numerous notification methods.

Keeping Windows 2000 Safe

Refer to this volume for the hardcore details on Windows 2000 security and how to manage it effectively.

One-Touch Smart Reporting

Quickly access your SMS database via Aelita’s SnapReports.

Active Directory’s Ins and Outs

For a detailed look at Active Directory, peruse this technical reference.

The Practical SQL Handbook

"Using SQL Variants" doesn't mean what you might think.

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