
McAfee GroupShield 5.0—The CDC for Exchange

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

SecuriQ: Everything to Nobody

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

Protect Yourself from Lost Passwords

ElcomSoft reliably recovers ZIP passwords.

Mail essentials 2000—KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) Incarnate

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

More Flexible Active Directory Management

ActiveRoles takes the tedium out of AD.

ScanMail 5.1—Your Name's on Everyone's Lips

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

Quick Look: Complete Communications

The necessary reference for any network.

Environment Watchdog

For keeping an eye on the Server room, the RackBotz 303 has you covered.

Add Punch to PowerPoint

PowerPlugs includes some amazing eye candy.

Create, Tune, and Manage Software Installations for Windows

Help is on the way for the harassed system administrator.

A Trio of SMS Resources

Get some help with the most complex of the BackOffice products.

All You Need to Know about Designing a Windows 2000 Network

More than just the information required to pass a single exam.

Quick Look: Cryptography for the Masses

Clear explanations for the security non-expert

Web Workout

Microsoft throws down the gaunlet with this exam, which tests your expertise in Active Directory, IIS, clustering and BackOffice—and that’s just the beginning.

Quick Look: Unlock your Exchange Server

Lots of examples help you make use of a wealth of interfaces.

CyberArmor Builds a System for Personal Firewalls

Central configuration and management options make firewalls an enterprise tool.

HomeSite 5.0

Excellent tool for fine-tuning Web sites.

Administrators, Start Your Backup Engines...: ARCserve 2000

The latest in backup software handles the complexity of Windows 2000.

Quick Look: OLE DB Consumer Templates, A Programmer's Guide

If you program with OLE DB this is a great reference.

Oh No, Not Another Windows 2000 Security Book

One that gets it right — mostly.

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