Info storage leader goes deep with latest acquisition.
The government agency charged with fighting identity theft said Thursday it had lost two government laptops containing sensitive personal data, the latest in a series of breaches encompassing millions of people.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/23/2006
The nation's largest consumer electronics retailer is testing the possibility of selling Apple Computer Inc.'s full line of computers in its stores. Currently, Best Buy carries only Apple's iPod music player and accessories.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/22/2006
The nation's largest consumer electronics retailer is testing the possibility of selling Apple Computer Inc.'s full line of computers in its stores.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/22/2006
Novell this morning announced that its Board of Directors has ousted the company's CEO and CFO.
Publishing software maker Adobe Systems Inc. said Wednesday it signed a multiyear distribution agreement with Web search engine Google Inc.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/22/2006
Adobe has made no complaints against Microsoft is shipping Office without Adobe's PDF file reader, and Adobe so far hasn't filed a complaint with the EU, says the Euro Commission.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/22/2006
Absoft Corp. announced it is shipping its Fortran compiler for 64-bit Windows XP and Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003.
- By Stuart J. Johnston
- 06/22/2006
A hacker broke into the Agriculture Department's computer system and may have obtained names, Social Security identification numbers and photos of 26,000 Washington-area employees and contractors, the department said.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/22/2006
Microsoft announced this week it has teamed up with nonprofit licensing organization Creative Commons to provide users with a copyright licensing tool that works in the Office productivity applications suite.
- By Stuart J. Johnston
- 06/22/2006
Lost in the hubbub last week over the pending retirement of Chairman Bill Gates, Microsoft quietly changed the name of a key set of technologies coming with Windows Vista.
- By Stuart J. Johnston
- 06/21/2006
Microsoft Corporate Vice President Martin Taylor, who was a key lieutenant of CEO Steve Ballmer’s and who was at the center of some of Microsoft’s most high-profile efforts, has left the company suddenly.
- By Scott Bekker
- 06/21/2006
Georgia Tech and IBM Corp. announced Tuesday they shattered a microchip speed record in a development that could lead to advances in cell phones, radar technology and space exploration.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/21/2006
Ohio University said Tuesday it has suspended two information technology supervisors over recent breaches by hackers who may have stolen 173,000 Social Security numbers from school computers.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/21/2006
The major Web browsers are getting facelifts as they increasingly become the focal point for handling business transactions and running programs over the Internet rather than simply displaying Web sites.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/20/2006
At the RoboBusiness Conference and Exposition 2006 in Pittsburgh this week, Microsoft announced it is shipping the Community Technology Preview (CTP) of its Windows-based robotics development platform.
- By Stuart J. Johnston
- 06/20/2006
Microsoft Corp.'s latest instant messaging program is ready for prime time, the company said Monday.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/20/2006
Adesso Systems has delivered a beta version of an integrated development environment that allows programmers to create and deploy applications that inherently have distributed and mobile capabilities.
As new disclosures mount about government surveillance programs, computer science researchers hope to wade into the fray by enabling data mining that also protects individual privacy.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/19/2006
Microsoft Corp.'s latest instant messaging program is ready for prime time, the company said Monday.
- By The Associated Press
- 06/19/2006