For years, computer security software lurked in the background and tried to stop viruses and other malicious programs as they attack your computer. Newer products are trying to keep users from reaching Web sites before the programs can even launch an attack, essentially stopping threats at the source.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/07/2006
Police in Chile arrested four suspected computer hackers for allegedly belonging to a group accused of breaking into thousands of government Web sites around the globe, including NASA's.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/07/2006
Microsoft Corp. said Monday it has wrapped up work on its delayed Office 2007 suite and released the code to manufacturing.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/07/2006
Police nab suspects responsible for hacking into goverment sites in South America, Asia and United States.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/06/2006
Security vendor, as well as competitors, will offer ways to defend against phishing sites and other Internet attacks.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/06/2006
Plus, researchers track a new trend in spamming; Microsoft spearheads the Math Partnership initiative; new products.
Microsoft's newest suite released to manufacturing, with delivery to coincide with Windows Vista.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/06/2006
An online media and advertising company accused of unfairly and deceptively downloading its software onto consumers' computers has agreed to pay a $3 million fine to the Federal Trade Commission.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/06/2006
Analysis: Once bitter rivals now working on a peaceful relationship in business and desktop realms.
- By Ed Scannell and Stuart Johnston
- 11/03/2006
Ex-CEO of Computer Associates sentenced to 12 years in prison in accounting fraud.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/02/2006
Worldwide semiconductor sales reached a new high in September as electronics manufacturers geared up for the holiday season, an industry group said Thursday.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/02/2006
Longtime rivals will work to make Windows and Linux work more smoothly for business customers.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/02/2006
With the corporate delivery of Windows Vista imminent, Microsoft is also rolling out a new volume licensing scheme for business customers.
- By Stuart J. Johnston
- 11/02/2006
Microsoft Corp. has embraced Novell Inc.'s open-source software platform, forming a technological truce between two longtime antagonists who want to make it easier for the still-dominant Windows operating system and the increasingly popular Linux system to work together.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/02/2006
Consumer version will hit shelves at end of January.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/02/2006
Microsoft will be announcing the volume license availability of Windows Vista on Nov. 30, along with availability of Office 2007 and Exchange Server 2007, a company spokesperson has confirmed.
- By Stuart J. Johnston
- 11/02/2006
Microsoft and Zend Technologies are joining forces to improve the performance of PHP-based applications running on Windows Server 2003, the two companies disclosed on Tuesday.
- By John K. Waters
- 11/02/2006
The former CEO of Computer Associates International Inc. was sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined $8 million on Thursday for his role in a massive accounting fraud scandal at software company.
- By The Associated Press
- 11/02/2006
Will the new OS really launch as strongly as Microsoft is predicting?
New GM targets IT generalists at SMBs.