
Windows Essential Business Server Hits RTM Status

With RTM milestone met, Windows Essential Business Server is expected become generally available on November 12.

HP's Big EDS Plans Include Big Cuts

HP has completed the acquisition of EDS, an outsourcing innovator; now it's restructuring, with plans to cut jobs, the companies announced on Monday.

Microsoft To Expand Security Lifecycle Expertise

Microsoft is crossing the aisles to see the security process through from start to finish -- not just internally, but for outside software developers too.

Card Use Can Stem ID Theft, Microsoft Says

Microsoft this week released a white paper on identity theft with the aim of starting a "vendor-neutral" discussion on the use of "information cards" as an Internet security solution.

Becta Praises Microsoft's Stance on Interoperability, Licensing

The British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta) appears to be heading toward a reconciliation with Microsoft.

VMworld Keynote Looks to Virtual Future

VMware CTO Stephen Herrod adds texture and detail to CEO Maritz's Tuesday keynote.

Private Tests of Windows 7 Lead to Release Rumors

Microsoft won't say when the first public beta release of its Windows 7 operating system will occur, but some possible dates have been anonymously leaked.

Vista Desktop Licensing Plan Has Its Virtues, Gartner Says

Microsoft has two new licensing options under its Vista Enterprise Centralized Desktop program.

Virginia Supreme Court Rules Against Anti-Spam Law

It's unclear how a Virginia Supreme Court ruling may influence other state and federal laws, but the court on Friday struck down a Virginia law that prohibits the sending of unsolicited e-mail.

Citrix Releases XenServer 5

On the first day of VMware's VMworld conference happening in Las Vegas this week, Citrix Systems -- a competitor of VMware that's also at the conference -- announced the release of XenServer 5, the latest version of its server virtualization solution.

SQL Injection Attack Hits BusinessWeek Site

Security firm Sophos disclosed on Monday that BusinessWeek magazine's Web site had been hacked.

Cray Unveils CX1 Supercomputer for Office Use

Cray Inc., in conjunction with Intel and Microsoft, on Tuesday unveiled a relatively low-cost supercomputer that works in office environments.

Intel Rolls Out Six-Core Xeon 7400 Processors

Intel this week began rolling out its new line of Xeon processors targeted toward server markets.

Privacy Uncertain With New IE8 Feature

Redmond continued to rebuff assertions that a "suggested sites" feature in Internet Explorer 8, currently at Beta 2 release, invades user privacy.

VMworld Preview: VMware's Vision of Virtualization as the OS

The annual VMworld user conference gets underway today in Las Vegas, with the event's host betting big on a new strategy that redefines its market-leading virtualization management products.

Microsoft, IBM and EMC Team on ECM Interop Spec

An industry specification for content management interoperability services has been floated by three players in the enterprise content management (ECM) space.

Google's Chrome Browser Contains Microsoft Code

The newly released Google Chrome Web browser beta is a completely open source solution and a potential challenger to Microsoft's proprietary-code Internet Explorer browser, but Microsoft's Senior Program Manager Scott Hanselman found a little bit of irony in Google's browser as well.

Lumbering Global Economy Affects IT Industry

The sluggish global economy has migrated to the IT industry, according to a survey released this week by Forrester Research.

VSLive! NY: A Glimpse of .NET Framework in the Cloud

Developers got an indication of Microsoft's unfolding cloud platform strategy at this week's VSLive! conference in New York. Several conference sessions outlined the company's plans for Software plus Services and platforms-as-a-service, which offer hosted development and runtimes.

Microsoft Boosts Modeling Strategy and Rejoins OMG

Microsoft, as part of its overall initiative to support modeling capabilities, especially in its .NET Framework, today joined the Object Management Group (OMG), a nonprofit organization that fosters integration standards for the enterprise.

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