
Get Ready for Compliance 2.0

Many observers with a vested interest in regulatory requirements say tighter compliance is inevitable.

Survey: Unified Communications Has Market Potential

Unified communications (UC) could carry a spark through an increasingly dimming economic landscape if trends in an industry-conducted poll hold true.

VMware's Revenue Rises 42 Percent in 2008

One bright spot in the IT economy appears to be virtualization, with leading provider VMware today announcing that its yearly revenue rose 42 percent in 2008 to $1.9 billion. Fourth quarter revenues were a "solid" $515 million -- up 25 percent over last year.

Outsourcing Uptick May Be Ahead

Amid the current economic uncertainty, some businesses will probably opt to kill existing outsourcing arrangements to cut costs, but some in the industry expect the economic downturn to result in a net gain for outsourcers.

Chips (and Revenues) Are Down for AMD

Things went downhill fast for the world's second largest chipmaker in the fourth quarter of 2008 when revenue slipped to $1.162 billion, 33 percent lower than the fourth quarter of 2007, according company's earnings report.

Microsoft Releases RC1 of ASP.NET MVC

Microsoft today made available Release Candidate 1 of its ASP.NET Model View Controller, a design pattern for test-driven development of enterprise-scale Web applications.

Windows Mobile Development Slowed in Second Half of 2008

Growth of the Apple iPhone and Google's Android mobile platforms are cutting into the market for devices based on Windows Mobile and will continue to do so, according to a global survey of developers.

Windows 7 Beta Availability Extended to Feb. 9

Microsoft has extended the general public availability of its Windows 7 Beta yet again, with a new final date of Feb. 9 to get it.

Microsoft Shutters PerformancePoint Server

Microsoft will discontinue its PerformancePoint business intelligence product and will merge its function into SharePoint Server, the company said late last week.

Q&A: Top IE Exec Discusses New Browser

With the release candidate of IE 8 now available, Microsoft GM Dean Hachamovitch talks about switching to standards compliance.

Microsoft Security Director Steps Down

Redmond's security team is undergoing a revamp with the announcement that Andrew Cushman, director of Microsoft's Security Response Center, will be stepping down to be replaced by group manager Mike Reavey.

Citrix and Intel Forge Virtualization Pact

Citrix Systems has teamed with Intel Corp. to provide virtualization technology for Intel-based desktop computers.

Microsoft Battles Worm, Rebuts CERT Claim

Microsoft is still trying to control the Conficker worm, both the bug itself and news about how it's handling it.

Some Software Giants Unscathed by Bad Economy

Despite grim stats announced on Thursday by Microsoft in its fiscal second-quarter report, at least one company in the software IT sector reported positive 2008 quarterly earnings.

IBM Irks Microsoft Officials, Unveils LotusLive

IBM on Monday rolled out social networking and collaboration services for businesses called "LotusLive," which integrates with IBM's venerable Lotus Notes e-mail and calendar application.

Microsoft Not Driving PC Upgrades, Analyst Suggests

Microsoft's disappointing second-quarter earnings showed just how dependent the software giant is on new PC sales.

Microsoft Lays Off 1,400; More Coming

Microsoft announced lower than expected earnings for its second fiscal quarter said that it will eliminate 5,000 jobs over the next 18 months.

Data Theft Hits the Heartland

A malicious keystroke logging exploit hit Heartland Payment Systems in what many are already calling the biggest data theft ever, with nearly 100 million records siphoned from the large payment-processing company.

Report Sees Cloud Trend for OSS Developers

A survey of more than 300 open source software (OSS) developers found that many plan to distribute their solutions as services over the Internet cloud.

Analysis: Behind Nortel's Restructuring Moves

Need proof that times are tough? Just ask Nortel Networks which last week, following a half-decade of tumult, announced that it was seeking creditor protection in Canada.

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