Denial-of-service attacks launched last year against Georgian Web sites were carried out by Russian civilians and sympathizers rather than the government.
- By William Jackson
- 08/17/2009
A moratorium on purchasing Microsoft software, issued June 1 after the Army's Microsoft ELA expired, will end after the Army finishes developing the ordering site.
- By Amber Corrin
- 08/17/2009
Microsoft is putting out the word that users of Internet Explorer 6 should upgrade to IE 8, primarily for security and standards-compliance reasons.
Microsoft provided fresh details about the next editions of Microsoft Office for the Apple Macintosh platform, including a new e-mail service.
- By Herb Torrens
- 08/13/2009
Microsoft's loss in a patent dispute with Toronto-based i4i LP has resulted in a judge's order for Redmond to stop selling Microsoft Word in U.S. markets.
Microsoft and Nokia are staking a new claim to the mobile phone space with a global alliance announced today.
- By Herb Torrens
- 08/12/2009
Microsoft's Brad Anderson on Tuesday talked about the company's management product strategies, while downplaying those of VMware, at investment banker-sponsored event.
Microsoft gave investors a look at the company's business prospects on Tuesday at the Oppenheimer Annual Communications, Technology & Internet Conference in Boston.
- By Herb Torrens
- 08/11/2009
Tuesday's nine security patches are all about networking, the Internet, servers and interoperable components that tie everything together.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 08/11/2009
The leading supplier of virtualization technology looks to extend its platform-as-a-service (PaaS) effort by adding the chief sponsor of the open source Spring Framework.
- By John K. Waters
- 08/10/2009
Windows Vista users trying to upgrade to Windows 7 can face some unintended consequences if they also use .NET Framework 4 beta 1 and Visual Studio 2010 beta 1.
Subscribers to Microsoft's TechNet and Microsoft Developer Network services can now get their hands on the first community technology preview of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.
In a move that promises to strengthen its influence over how video is developed and disseminated online, Google last week said it has agreed to acquire On2 Technologies.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 08/10/2009
Expect nine patches in Microsoft's August security update, five "critical" and four "important," according to an advanced notification from Redmond.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 08/07/2009
System administrators might be more pleased than dismayed when a social networking site such as Twitter locks out millions of users.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 08/07/2009
Subscribers to Microsoft's professional services -- TechNet and the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) -- can begin downloading Windows 7 RTM editions starting today.
Engineers at Sun Microsystems rolled out a new user interface prototype for that looks like the "ribbon" UI found in Microsoft Office 2007.
The move to the Internet cloud will pick up steam in the next year for developers, according to a new survey from Santa Cruz, Calif.-based Evans Data Corp.
- By Herb Torrens
- 08/05/2009
Microsoft plans to hire at least 400 Yahoo employees as part of its search-advertising deal with Yahoo, which was announced last week
Scientists at Sandia National Laboratories have simultaneously booted 1 million Linux kernels, all of which ran as virtual machines on the labs' Thunderbird supercomputer.
- By Joab Jackson
- 08/05/2009