Organizations have been considering alternatives to Microsoft Office, but not as replacements quite yet.
Microsoft provided more information about security for Windows Azure, publishing a talk and white paper.
Blockbuster deal will let Intel provide hardware-based security.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 08/19/2010
Better click on these links before Wired magazine gets done unplugging the Internet.
Most Internet users have long been aware that the actual download speeds they get from their Internet connections are somewhat slower than advertised.
- By Kevin McCaney
- 08/19/2010
The Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) today announced a new Web Performance Working Group that aims to more accurately measure Web app performance times.
Microsoft today announced a new Technology Adoption Program designed to get product development feedback on managing Windows Embedded-based devices.
AV-Test this week published certification results for 19 software security products running on Windows 7.
Among the oft-cited weaknesses in using passwords for authentication are that people choose bad, easily guessed passwords, such as "123456" or, even, "password."
- By Kevin McCaney
- 08/18/2010
Microsoft announced on Monday that a "preview" of Windows Small Business Server codenamed "Aurora" is now available for download.
Hewlett-Packard Co. today said it is acquiring security software vendor Fortify Software Inc. for an undisclosed amount.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 08/17/2010
Microsoft announced today that it has released a "preview build" of Windows Home Server (WHS) codenamed "Vail" to test participants.
Microsoft's operating system for consumer smartphones lost market share last quarter, according to research announced this week by Gartner.
Microsoft this week provided notice of some upcoming product updates and betas to expect in the coming months.
On Thursday, Oracle filed a lawsuit against Google, claiming that, in developing its Android mobile operating system, the Internet search giant infringed on seven patents associated with the Java Platform.
- By John K. Waters
- 08/13/2010
Would you like to escape work, but your building isn't equipped with an inflatable slide?
Microsoft today updated some of its free tools to help users move to Microsoft SQL Server and released a new Oracle MySQL migration tool.
Pi, the infinite number that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, has long held a fascination for people, even outside the sphere of mathematics.
- By Kevin McCaney
- 08/12/2010
Microsoft issued even more details about Windows security concerns, even after releasing its August security update on Tuesday.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 08/11/2010
Microsoft has extended its "up-to-date" (UTD) discount upgrade offer for Windows and Office licensees through next month.