For the second month in a row, Microsoft will release six bulletin items in its April security update, according to the Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification.
Apple released an update for Mac OS X users yesterday that addresses a recent Java flaw that has been exploited in the wild by attackers thanks to its inclusion in the BlackHole hacker toolkit.
Dell's announcement this week that it plans to acquire Wyse Technology seems to have stirred up the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) pot a bit.
Microsoft today released "user experience virtualization" and application virtualization beta tools that will be part of its Desktop Optimization suite for IT pros.
The Linux Foundation today announced the top Linux kernel development contributors, with Microsoft getting on the list for the first time.
Microsoft has said it is looking into reported allegations that hackers may be able to retrieve credit card information off an Xbox 360 -- even after the hard drive has been reformatted.
Microsoft today announced that SQL Server 2012 was released for purchase.
Microsoft released System Center 2012 to volume licensing customers yesterday, according to a news report.
Specific Windows 8 release-cycle dates were reported today on a financial news Web site.
Microsoft on Wednesday announced the availability of a beta test version of its PC recovery solution for IT pros.
The "Wintel" slice of the PC market will narrow markedly over five years' time, should IDC's latest research projections hold true.
The BlackHole kit, a popular exploit set among hackers, has been updated to take advantage of a recently discovered Java hole that security researchers say many haven't updated yet.
An industry-sponsored report released this month questions whether Microsoft's hosted offerings always represent the lowest cost option vs. other Microsoft-stack approaches.
A group calling itself "LulzSec Reborn" released the usernames and passwords of 170,937 subscribers to a military online dating service on Sunday.
Internet Explorer 10 contains a new security feature called "enhanced protected mode" that Windows 8 beta testers may soon encounter.
Microsoft this week offered some tips about connecting the Windows 8 "customer preview" beta with Windows Home Server.
Microsoft recently disrupted a major ring whose use of malware has cost victims $477 million since 2005.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 03/26/2012
Microsoft on Wednesday talked about its screen-design considerations in Windows 8.
SQL Server 2012 licensing price details are just beginning to take shape as Microsoft prepares to release the product on April 1.
In the near future, the landing point for computer users will be the "personal cloud," rather than the PC desktop, according to Gartner.
- By Katrina Carrasco
- 03/22/2012