HP is now reselling a Web application remediation solution from Browsium to support Windows 10 moves by organizations.
Microsoft announced today that it is acquiring organizational analytics software maker VoloMetrix.
Microsoft today announced a GS-Series for organizations tapping Azure virtual machines (VMs).
Users of the Microsoft Intune management portal will be shifting over to the Office 365 management portal, starting later this month.
Microsoft released a "production preview" of its Windows Management Framework (WMF) 5.0 solution yesterday.
According to two market share tracking organization, Windows 10 has gained strong traction in its first month of release and now accounts for 5 percent of the global desktop market.
- By Scott Bekker
- 09/01/2015
Microsoft added a few more tools to its Azure Active Directory (AD) Privileged Identity Management preview this month.
DevOps in the enterprise is growing, but interpretations of what the term actually means varies widely, a recent study found.
Microsoft noted today that its Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3 (TP3) release has some installation nuances to note.
Microsoft has improved some of its controls for IT pros managing browser use on Windows 10 machines, according to a Wednesday announcement.
Microsoft is boasting today that Windows 10 is now on 75 million devices.
Microsoft's Windows Update for Business service for managing Windows 10 is here, in part, but it's not completely available.
Microsoft today released SharePoint Server 2016 "IT preview," as well as a preview of a new "cloud hybrid search" Office 365 capability.
Microsoft and Mesosphere announced today that they are collaborating to bring the open source Apache Mesos datacenter orchestration solution into Windows Server.
Microsoft today released its Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10.
Microsoft today released its third "technical preview" of its next System Center management suite.
The Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Update 1 solution was released on Monday, with notable support for Windows 10 deployments.
Microsoft released an out-of-band update for all supported versions of Internet Explorer today after active attacks using the hole have been seen in the wild.
Microsoft today released its next suite of desktop management tools for enterprises, called "Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack 2015."
Microsoft announced this week that it is working on a more team-oriented Yammer, and it will be bringing along some mobile app improvements, too.