Network Management

PE Explorer

Poke around in the dangerous world of Portable EXEs.

CodeSMART 2003 for VS .NET

An add-in that makes VS.NET smarter.


A unified look at ActiveX and COM components.

ANTS Profiler

A low-overhead, non-intrusive code optimizer.

Visual UML

Drag-and-drop UML diagramming.

Beta Preview: AutoCAD 2004

Design tool adds new tool palettes and other UI enhancements.

Quick Look: AppScan

Keep security in mind during the development process.

WSDL Editor

Cape Clear's excellent—and free—Web Services editor.


The road map for your .NET object development.


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Active Directory Adoption in Full Swing

A key indicator of Windows 2000’s popularity in the enterprise, Active Directory adoption, is showing dramatic growth, according to a Web survey by

Compliance Made Simple

Ease administration with Enterprise Configuration Manager.

Secure Fundamentals

Network Intrusion Detection: Third Edition builds the foundation for an informed network security analyst.

Keep Current

Exchange updates with Discus Data’s ActiveDL 4.1.

Top Guns Under Fire

They were a smooth-running, well-oiled IT machine—then a sticky, application-specific problem tested their mettle.

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