Network Management

Safe Waters

How do you dive into the sea of networks in an efficient and secure way? We look at four firewall products—both hardware and software—that will help keep the sharks at bay.

Home as Office

You can conceivably set up most of your company for telecommuting with Windows Server 2003’s much-improved RRAS and VPN features. Here’s how.

Registry Rights

Changing the registry is a scary concept, but WMI makes it simple.

Windows 2003 Training: $249 (U.S. Offer Only)

Microsoft is offering $100 off the retail price for its Windows Server 2003 training; offer valid until Dec. 31, 2003.

MCSE-Win2K Core Exams Getting Refreshed

Two key exams to be repopulated with new question types that are being developed for Windows Server 2003 exams, according to Microsoft.

Making the Connection

Creo’s Six Degrees brings messages and files together.

Special Delivery

When it comes to distributing software upgrades, the options are many. Which one is best for you? We test five solutions to help you make the right choice.

Encoding for the Masses

No matter your job (or platform), scripting makes life easier.

Client-Side Interop

Rare is the company without non-Windows desktop clients. Yet getting Unix and Apple to connect to and access resources on a Windows-based network can be migraine-inducing. Here's your antidote.

Microsoft Continues Push Into Management Arena

Many new management variables are trickling out this year, including the new Microsoft System Center.

Embracing Unix and Linux Desktops

These OSs work well on a Windows network when it comes to printing. File-sharing and e-mail, however, are more complicated.

Certified Mail: May 2003

Scripting help; will the "real" security expert, please stand up; and a whole lotta feedback on the "braindumper" case.

Time Machine

TrueTime Server keeps your computers on the clock.

Login Simplified

SecureLogin takes the work out of password management.

Empire of the Air: WEP and EAP

In this second in a series, explore Wired Equivalent Privacy and Extensive Authentication Protocol.

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