You've read "Decisions, Decisions," now find out more about Citrix and Windows Terminal Services so you can make an informed decision.
- By Greg Shields
- 09/01/2004
Audit Collection Services provides a scalable means of consolidating security event logs across your enterprise.
Windows XP laptops continue to "sleep" from Standby mode.
- By Bill Boswell
- 08/10/2004
If you've been wanting to bind multiple IP addresses to a single NIC, now you can.
- By Chris Brooke
- 08/01/2004
If you don't have the time, money or manpower to run your own messaging environment, it may be time to consider hosted Exchange.
MCP Magazine readers get a crack at the Microsoft CEO.
Microsoft's latest version of Systems Management Server includes a bevy of new features that early users say save them time and money.
- By Stephen Swoyer
- 08/01/2004
Migration to Exchange 2000 seems to go fine, but setup comes to a screeching halt for this admin.
- By Bill Boswell
- 07/27/2004
The miracle of Group Policy is that you can maintain tight reins on who has admin rights.
Scriptable method for obtaining a list of DHCP server names in a domain.
- By Bill Boswell
- 07/13/2004
Use caution when setting log file limits; plus, some scripting books to check out.
- By Bill Boswell
- 07/06/2004
If you’re using Windows 2000 Server or above, chances are you’re
also using Kerberos authentication. It’s time to get to know this
three-pronged protocol and learn how to troubleshoot it.
- By David W. Tschanz
- 07/01/2004
O, printer, where art thou?
- By Danielle Ruest and Nelson Ruest
- 07/01/2004
Applying registration keys en masse via scripting.
- By Chris Brooke
- 07/01/2004
How new policies and procedures can help you gain control over processes, ranging from patch management to topology changes.
- By Greg Shields
- 07/01/2004