Network Management

PowerShell Reading List

My secret for learning Microsoft's scripting technology? Check out these blogs.

Do You Read Me?

Sans GUI, PowerShell can be made to work interactively. The trick is the Read-Host cmdlet.

Microsoft Issues Windows 7 Beta Update To Fix IE8

Microsoft released a Windows 7 Beta client update that fixes problems that a small number of users were experiencing with Internet Explorer 8 on the new OS.

App-V 4.5 Now Supports Windows 7 Beta

Microsoft released a cumulative update to its application virtualization solution, which now supports the Windows 7 Beta, according to an announcement issued by the company on Thursday.

Windows Embedded Cert Now Live

Microsoft Learning released exam, certificatin for IT pros working with Windows XP on embedded devices.

Release Candidate of Vista SP2 Now Available

TechNet and MSDN subscribers now have access to the Release Candidate version of Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.

Server Market Takes a Dive in 2008

A new report from IDC, announced on Wednesday, suggested that the global economic malaise has already chipped away at the enterprise IT server market.

Microsoft Unveils Data Warehouse SQL Server Solutions

Microsoft and its hardware partners on Monday rolled out preconfigured data warehouse reference architectures that incorporate Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

Citrix, Microsoft Take Aim at Enterprises with Essentials

Citrix and Microsoft, already close collaborators on many virtualization-based initiatives, ratcheted up their relationship Monday with the announcement of Citrix Essentials, a group of technologies calculated to shoehorn their way into the enterprise datacenters now dominated by VMware.

VMLogix Enhances 'Essential' Functionality

VMLogix has partnered with Citrix to shore up its brand-new offering, adding lab management and automation capabilities to Citrix Essentials.

UPDATE: Microsoft Unveils Data Warehouse SQL Server Solutions

Microsoft and its hardware partners on Monday rolled out preconfigured data warehouse reference architectures that incorporate Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

Red Hat Enters Enterprise Virtualization Space

Another vendor has thrown its hat into the enterprise virtualization ring. This one is red.

Rethinking IE 7's Patching Schedule

Plus, Cooking up a new browser from scratch; baking in security; Adobe Reader flaw discovered.

Web Campaign Targets IE 6 Use

A Norwegian Web portal has begun a campaign to kill the use of Microsoft's Internet Explorer 6 browser.

Microsoft Skills Week Coming in March

Microsoft offers discounts on exams and other incentives to visit your local MCPLS center.

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