
Murdoch Out; Yahoo Continues Fighting Microsoft

Yahoo just lost another option in its battle to stave off Microsoft's hostile takeover bid.

Patch Tuesday Fixes Critical Excel, Outlook, Web Component and Office Flaws

Microsoft rolled out four "critical" security bulletins -- all with as many as 12 remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities, according to security experts.

Novell VP Openly Laments Microsoft Deal

According to IDG news service, Novell Vice President Miguel de Icaza publicly decried his company's patent licensing deal with Microsoft at Redmond's MIX08 conference last week in Las Vegas.

Report: Google, Microsoft To Battle Over Digg

According to a story posted on TechCrunch this morning, Microsoft and Google are both preparing to make bids on the user-driven news aggregation site

Ballmer Acknowledges Mistakes, Offers Insights on Roadmap at MIX08

In a rare display of contrition, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer yesterday acknowledged frustration with the acceptance of Windows Vista and the company's failure to upgrade its Internet Explorer browser more routinely, as well the questionable decision to pursue separate development paths for Internet Explorer and the .NET Framework.

Microsoft To Release 4 Critical Office Patches Tuesday

Microsoft announced that it will be releasing four patches, all rated critical because they allow remote-code execution, and all involving Microsoft Office in some way.

Microsoft Creates IT Job Portal for Students

Microsoft's Students to Business portal pairs U.S. college students working toward IT careers with companies who are looking to fill entry-level IT positions.

MIX08 Kicks Off with First IE 8 and Silverlight 2 Betas

Microsoft ushered in two highly anticipated betas: the first public downloads of Internet Explorer 8 and Silverlight 2.

Microsoft Expands Office Live Workspace Beta Worldwide

After nearly three months of private beta testing, Microsoft Office Live Workspace is being rolled out worldwide as a full public beta.

Trustworthy Computing: Examining Trust

Microsoft's Trustworthy Academic Advisory Board has been keeping tabs on security issues -- external as well as internal -- that continue to challenge Microsoft's developers. Here's a peek into the board, which marks five years on watch.

Standards Will Be Default in IE 8

In a major shift of position, the next release of Microsoft's widely deployed Internet Explorer browser will set standards-based rendering as the default, a move that will impact how developers build and deploy Web content.

Microsoft Takes SharePoint and Exchange Servers Online

Microsoft's SaaS initiatives gets kickstarted with online betas of Exchange Server 2007 and Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Study: The Year's Top-10 Web Application Vulnerabilities

Web applications, by far, dominate the list of application security vulnerabilities facing IT organizations, according to a report released recently by security firm Cenzic Inc., "Application Security Trend Report for Q4 2007."

From the Research Labs

They may never become products, but you can still use these utilities today.

Can MicroHoo Take On Google?

The time may be right for Redmond's acquisition, but there are planty of obstacles littering the road to a smooth technical merging of Microsoft and Yahoo.

If MicroHoo Goes Through, What Then Should Microsoft Do?

A hypothetical to-do list for Microsoft's hypothetical Yahoo takeover.

The Windows Firewall: You Can Turn It on Now

Too intimidated to enable your Windows XP and Windows Vista Firewall? Be afraid no more.

Find that Mail

DigiScope can save you hours of searching for lost e-mail messages.

We're so passionate about virtualization, we're launching a magazine and a Web site all about it.

Microsoft Launches Key 2008 Products in Los Angeles

Redmond officially rolls out Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 in Los Angeles event.

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