
Making IT Social

The flood of social-networking technologies rushing into the enterprise is forcing IT to become still more flexible.

Social Networking Is No IT Fad

Ringside Networks' Bob Bickel brings customers closer with social-networking technologies.

Microsoft and Yahoo: Now What?

Microsoft and Yahoo! look to uncertain futures as merger falls through.

ISA Server 2006 SP1 Planned for This Summer

Sometime this summer, Microsoft plans to roll out Service Pack 1 for Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006 according to a recent team blog announcement.

IE 8 Beta 2 Coming 'Third Quarter'

Senior Technical Account Manager at Microsoft New Zealand Nick MacKechnie posted on his MSDN blog that Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 is coming in the "third quarter" of this year.

Office Live Workspace Beta Released Internationally

Microsoft released an international beta of its Office Live Workspace (OLW) suite of productivity tools. The company also quietly launched an Office Live Update last week.

Microsoft Renews Talks With Yahoo

Talks between Microsoft and Yahoo are back on the table again, but maybe not about the acquisition bid.

Novell Releases Silverlight for Linux Source Code

Cross-platform developers can now download the source code for Moonlight, the open source project chartered with building a Silverlight runtime for Linux.

Office 2007 SP1 Arriving Via Auto Update

Microsoft Office 2007 users will be able to get a new service pack delivered automatically via Microsoft Update as early as mid-next month.

Microsoft Appeals $1.3B European Commission Penalty

Microsoft appealed penalty for noncompliance with an earlier European Commission antitrust ruling against the company.

Four Patches Coming in May

Three patches will target critical remote code execution exploits in Microsoft Office, Publisher and the Jet Database Engine.

IM Attacks on the Rise

Just because you've deployed an enterprise-grade instant messaging (IM) solution from a well-known vendor, doesn't mean you've mitigated -- let alone completely licked -- the threat posed by rogue, unsanctioned or illicit IM use in your enterprise environment.

Spam More Creative, Better Targeted

Thirty years after the first unsolicited e-mail advertisement was sent, the phenomenon now known as spam is continuing to grow -- and becoming more sophisticated, creative and malicious.

UPDATE: XP SP3 Available Via Windows Update

Microsoft said that users of Windows XP can now gain access to Service Pack 3 through Windows Update and the Microsoft Download Center.

Exec Describes Microsoft's 'Social Networking' Vision

A Microsoft executive involved with the company's Windows Live efforts outlined some of the company's ideas about cloud-based computing and social networking technologies today.

Microsoft Scraps Yahoo Acquisition Plans

Citing a hefty price tag and other concerns, Microsoft this weekend officially scrapped its plans to acquire Yahoo.

VPN Concentrators: A Must for Small Business

You may not have heard of them, but VPN concentrators can help you properly secure your virtual private network.

Ballmer Has 'Nothing To Say' on Yahoo Deal

Leaks from unnamed sources to The Wall Street Journal constitute the only "news" so far this week about Microsoft's unsolicited takeover bid for Yahoo.

In Search of Desktop Search

Finding a data needle in the haystack that is your hard disk requires more than just a magnifying glass and a huge dose of patience.

The New Face of Internet Threats

It's a brave new world in anti-malware protection. Joern analyzes the latest security trends.

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