
Live Mesh Preview: It's Wait-List Only

Microsoft quietly opened its Live Mesh preview to more testers on July 15, but by today (July 17), the offer had been narrowed to just waiting-list only.

Cloud Computing To Bring Security App Shift, Report Says

Microsoft's Chief Architect Ray Ozzie and some say the sky will be the limit for cloud computing in the enterprise, but there's still a need for IT security too.

Government, Health Care Web Sites Attacked

A scan of Web servers by Internet security company Finjan Inc. has found more than 1,000 legitimate Web sites that had been compromised by a new wave of attacks in recent weeks.

Microsoft Denies Yahoo Version of Failed Talks

Microsoft today described its own version of events concerning Friday's failed talks with Yahoo's management, which were focused on a renewed effort to buy Yahoo's search ad business.

Word 2002 SP3 Subject to Remote Attacks

Less than 24 hours after its Patch Tuesday release, Microsoft issued a security advisory connected to a possible vulnerability in Word 2002 Service Pack 3.

Massive Patch Coming for DNS Vulnerability

Major vendors of domain name system (DNS) servers are making an unprecedented coordinated release of patches for what is being called a fundamental flaw in DNS, a core element of the Internet.

Tougher Security Planned for Internet Explorer 8

In the wake of a report suggesting that IE was the least secure Web browser, Redmond on Wednesday touted the security features expected to appear in IE 8.

IE Is Least-Patched Browser, Report Says

More than 40 percent of Internet surfers don't use browsers with up-to-date security patches -- and IE users are the biggest culprits.

Flying Solo: Ozzie Takes Microsoft to the Cloud

As his boss Bill Gates departs, Ozzie takes Microsoft's online strategy into the cloud.

How Large Will Windows Live Live?

Microsoft's Brian Hall looks to better integrate the Windows Live online strategy.

Cloudy Cloud Costs

Hang on to your wallets -- Microsoft's lineup of online services probably won't come free.

Does Live Mesh Have a Business Future?

Microsoft's reticence notwithstanding, many people are excited about what Live Mesh can offer.

Group Pushes for High-Speed Internet Access for All

A coalition of academics, information technology industry leaders and public-policy advocates will launch a campaign today to make "access to a fast, open and affordable Internet a basic right for all Americans."

Microsoft Advisory Targets SQL Injection Attacks

Microsoft on Tuesday issued a new security advisory after the discovery of "a recent escalation in a class of attacks" targeting Web sites.

Bloomberg Launches Windows Mobile App

Customers of Bloomberg LP's real-time market data who have long been receiving feeds on their BlackBerrys can now receive them on their Windows Mobile-based devices, thanks to a recently completed development effort.

New Bluetooth Patch Fixes XP Security Hole

Microsoft reissues a "critical" patch relating to Bluetooth wireless technology that was released last week as part of its June update cycle.

Vulnerability Found in New Firefox Browser

It took only five hours from the release of Firefox version 3.0 for a researcher to report a critical vulnerability in the open source browser.

Firefox 3 Browser Released

The volunteer-led Mozilla project has released version 3 of the Firefox browser.

E-Mail Spam Linked to Economic Slowdown, Symantec Says

The rise in the amount of Spam being eaten by families who have fallen on hard times is commensurate with the rise in e-mail spam, Symantec revealed this week.

Microsoft Releases 7 Patches, 3 Critical

Microsoft released seven patches for its June rollout of security fixes. As expected, three are labeled "critical," three "important" and one "moderate."

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