
Observers At ZendCon Ponder What's Next For Microsoft and PHP

Despite speculation that Microsoft might make an announcement around its Silverlight runtime environment at Zend/PHP Conference and Expo, the company's profile was lower than past events.

Cloud Computing: More Work for Admins

Alistair Croll, a principal analyst for consulting coalition BitCurrent, argues that moving to Internet-based Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings, "won't eliminate work [but will] just change the work," for IT administrators.

Private Tests of Windows 7 Lead to Release Rumors

Microsoft won't say when the first public beta release of its Windows 7 operating system will occur, but some possible dates have been anonymously leaked.

Virginia Supreme Court Rules Against Anti-Spam Law

It's unclear how a Virginia Supreme Court ruling may influence other state and federal laws, but the court on Friday struck down a Virginia law that prohibits the sending of unsolicited e-mail.

SQL Injection Attack Hits BusinessWeek Site

Security firm Sophos disclosed on Monday that BusinessWeek magazine's Web site had been hacked.

Privacy Uncertain With New IE8 Feature

Redmond continued to rebuff assertions that a "suggested sites" feature in Internet Explorer 8, currently at Beta 2 release, invades user privacy.

Microsoft, IBM and EMC Team on ECM Interop Spec

An industry specification for content management interoperability services has been floated by three players in the enterprise content management (ECM) space.

Google's Chrome Browser Contains Microsoft Code

The newly released Google Chrome Web browser beta is a completely open source solution and a potential challenger to Microsoft's proprietary-code Internet Explorer browser, but Microsoft's Senior Program Manager Scott Hanselman found a little bit of irony in Google's browser as well.

VSLive! NY: A Glimpse of .NET Framework in the Cloud

Developers got an indication of Microsoft's unfolding cloud platform strategy at this week's VSLive! conference in New York. Several conference sessions outlined the company's plans for Software plus Services and platforms-as-a-service, which offer hosted development and runtimes.

Japan, U.S., China Leading Sources of Web Attack Traffic

Japan, the United States and China topped the list of countries from which Internet attack traffic originates in a recent report by Akamai Technologies Inc. The three countries accounted for more than 60 percent of attack-oriented Internet traffic.

September Patch To Fix Windows GDI Exploit and More

Redmond on Tuesday rolled out four critical fixes, as expected, for as many as eight remote code execution exploits for various Windows applications.

Microsoft Releases More Virtualization Details

Microsoft, following its earlier announcement about new virtualization products and imminent releases, has filled in some details that give more shape to its vision.

Office Live Workspace: Shadowed by Google Docs?

Microsoft touted the success of its online extension to Microsoft Office, a free browser-based application that's still in beta release.

Microsoft Updates IE Patch Due to VML Flaw

Microsoft this week released an update to a 2007 Internet Explorer patch covering Internet Explorer 5.01, Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7.

Microsoft Announces SP1 for Forefront Client Security

The software giant this week released its first service pack for Forefront Client Security, a member of its Forefront family of security products.

Web Sites Rife with Unpatched Vulnerabilities

Although the overall number of vulnerabilities being discovered in software appears to be leveling off or even dropping, two recent reports on Web security say that the overwhelming majority of Web sites studied still have unpatched vulnerabilities that could expose visitors to malicious code.

Microsoft Releases Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2

Microsoft released Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2, and the company spilled a lot of pixels explaining the beta's new features.

UPDATED: Microsoft Tool Helps Filter SQL Injection Attacks

Microsoft on Thursday released an improved security filter for its Internet Information Service (IIS) Web server that is designed to help thwart SQL injection attacks.

Microsoft Tool Helps Filter SQL Injection Attacks

Microsoft released an improved security filter for its Internet Information Service Web server that is designed to help thwart SQL injection attacks.

Microsoft-Novell Linux Deal To Grow by $100M

Microsoft plans to pour an additional money into business and open source technology collaboration with Novell.

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