
Microsoft Releases Virtual Machine Manager

Microsoft released System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 (VMM 2008), the second major component of its virtualization strategy.

Malware Disguised as Social Networking Tops Emerging Security Threats

What's the top threat to data security going to be in 2009? According to the GTISC Emerging Cyber Threats Report for 2009 out of Georgia Tech's Information Security Center, the answer is malware specifically disguised as "benign social networking links."

Google Shows Strong 3Q Revenue

Google on Thursday reported strong revenue growth for its third quarter, despite a faltering economy.

Ballmer Drops Hints About Windows 7, Cloud Computing

Microsoft's CEO talked about Windows 7 and the company's vision for syncing up applications in the Internet cloud at a Gartner-sponsored event on Thursday.

Microsoft Unleashes Tool For Web Developers

Web App Installer centralized management of ASP.NET and PHP-based open source Web apps.

Busy October Patch Cycle Comes Around with 11 Fixes

Security-minded admins have their work cut out for them, as Microsoft coughs up 11 fixes in its October patch cycle.

Silverlight 2 Now Available

Silverlight 2, the latest version of Microsoft's cross-platform browser plug-in for multimedia applications, will be available on Oct. 14, company officials announced on Monday.

Microsoft Promises To Improve UAC in Windows 7

Microsoft has been talking about future changes to Windows Vista's most maligned feature, User Account Control (UAC).

Gartner Warns of Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities

A new study from Gartner concludes that the WLANs of today comprise a "significant vulnerability" for enterprise IT organizations.

Beware of Hotel Internet Connections

Jet-setters should be careful about how they use the Internet connections supplied by hotels, as most are not secured properly, according to a new study from the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration.

Yahoo Fixing Zimbra Bug, Integrating With Exchange

Yahoo plans to resolve a password security vulnerability identified last week in its Zimbra open source e-mail and collaboration software.

Coming to Terms With Cloud Computing

Is "cloud computing" the next big thing in IT, or are you just a victim of "cloud wash"?

Bringing Down the Grid

You can talk about SCADA. You can talk about vulnerabilities. But be careful about conflating the two.

Browser Wars Are Back

As Google releases Chrome, Microsoft and Mozilla gear up to do battle.

Payment Card Security Toughens With DSS 1.2 Release

The Payment Card Industry Council on Wednesday released an updated version of its PCI data security standard, which is designed to help protect transmitted charge and debit card information.

Amazon To Host Microsoft Solutions in the Cloud

Amazon announced on Wednesday that it is conducting a private beta test of Microsoft's server products running on Amazon's hosted computing platform, which is called Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

Private Browsing's False Sense of Security

They call it private browsing. Microsoft recently released a beta version of Internet Explorer 8 that offers it. You'll find it in Mozilla's Firefox and the new Google Chrome. Apple's Safari has offered the feature for some time.

U.S. Tops List as Source for Botnet Attacks

The United States was the top source of distributed attack traffic, originating nearly three times as many attacks as second-place China, according to a recent study by security service provider SecureWorks Inc.

Cloud Computing Leaving Relational Databases Behind

One thing you won't find underlying a cloud computing initiative is a relational database. And this is no accident: Relational databases are ill-suited for use within cloud computing environments.

McAfee To Acquire Secure Computing

McAfee Inc. has agreed to purchase Secure Computing Corp. for about $465 million.

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