
What IT Can Expect with Internet Explorer 9

IE9 promises native support for video and scalable vector graphics, but IT organizations likely will depend on Flash and Silverlight in the near term.

How Microsoft Is Busting Its Own 'The Browser Is Part of the OS' Myth

For years, Microsoft has insisted that the browser is an integral part of the operating system, yet the company's current strategies with IE 6 and IE 9 make that argument an absurdity.

IE 9 Platform Preview 3 Released, Supports Canvas

Microsoft on Wednesday announced the third "platform preview" release of its Internet Explorer 9 browser prototype.

Billions Expected for Cybersecurity Research

As the Obama administration and Congress propose various measures to improve the nation's cybersecurity, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence is planning to spend "multiple billions of dollars" on cybersecurity research.

White House Plans Strategy for Better Cyber Authentication

The Obama administration plans to release late this week a draft of a new national strategy for improving capabilities to identify and authenticate people, organizations and infrastructure in cyberspace, the White House's top cyber official said today.

Microsoft on Security: Actions Speak Louder than Words

Big targets are always easy to hit. Perhaps no company in the modern age of commerce knows this better than Microsoft.

Cryptographic Key Management Project Provides Security Framework

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has released two draft publications as part of its Cryptographic Key Management Project, an effort to help agencies in their adoption of more advanced cryptographic algorithms and the management of stronger keys.

Internet Fraud Reporting System Launched

What do the FBI, Microsoft and the American Bankers Association all have in common? Answer: they're all collaborating against online fraud.

Free Microsoft Office Web Apps Available

Microsoft launched its free Windows Live versions of Office Web Apps on Monday.

Microsoft Releases June Patch Targeting 34 Flaws

Microsoft today released 10 fixes in its June security update, with three deemed "critical" and seven considered "important" to patch.

Windows Mobile Platform Malware Places Calls to Somalia, South Pole

Plus: Ten for June's Patch Tuesday; MS responds to Google Banning Windows; Adobe encounters another critical security flaw.

Microsoft To Deliver Large Number of Patches for June

Three "critical" and seven "important" fixes will be coming your way.

DARPA Builds Cyber Range To Test Security Measures

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and industry are developing a National Cyber Range to test network attack-and-defend strategies.

IE's Market Share Stabilizes in May

Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser showed a U.S. market share gain in May compared with competing browsers.

Windows Use Said To Be Restricted at Google

Google restricts the use of Windows by its employees, according a story by the Financial Times on Monday.

IBM Acquires Sterling Commerce

Big Blue bolsters WebSphere with B-to-B transaction processing platform.

Report: Windows 7 Gaining Corporate Adoption

A report issued on Wednesday by Forrester Research chronicles the declining use of Windows XP, as well as Internet Explorer 6, as staples of the corporate desktop.

Google Goes Open Source With WebM, VP8 Codec

Google announced on Wednesday that it has released its VP8 video codec into open source under the WebM open Web media project.

Microsoft Releases IE 9 Preview 2

Microsoft released the second platform preview of Internet Explorer 9 for review by testers.

Report: Windows 7 Surpasses Vista in Market Share

Windows 7 now has nearly 15 percent of the operating system market for business users, outshining Vista.

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