
Google Turns to High Schools To Test Chrome OS Laptops

Google delivered a truckload of free Cr-48 laptops to Astoria High School in Astoria, Ore. earlier this month

5 Futuristic Microsoft Technologies

From Codebook to XAX, here's five upcoming Microsoft technologies Mary-Jo Foley says to watch out for.

IE 9 Release Candidate Now Available

Microsoft today issued the release candidate (RC) version of its Internet Explorer 9 Web browser.

Hackers Know It's All In the Timing

Patch Tuesday reminds us once again that hackers will always be a step ahead. Plus: Outlook issue to be fixed out of band; Intel's intentions with McAfee buy seem questionable.

February Microsoft Patch Targets 20-Plus Security Flaws

As expected, Microsoft today released 12 security bulletins in its February security update, targeting more than 20 software vulnerabilities.

Microsoft Expected To Unveil IE 9 Release Candidate on Feb. 10

Microsoft confirmed today that members of the Internet Explorer team will be in San Francisco for a news event this week, likely the launch of the release candidate (RC) version of Internet Explorer 9.

Desktop Virtualization Tips for Testing IE

Microsoft outlined desktop virtualization tips late last week that IT pros and developers can use to test the compatibility of their Web sites on a single PC.

IPv6 Adoption Now of 'Paramount Importance' as IPv4 Addresses Run Out

On Feb. 3, 2011, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced that the last remaining Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) IP addresses had been allocated, although it may take a few months before the effects of this event trickle down to Internet users.

Microsoft Preparing Hefty 12-Item Security Patch on Tuesday

Microsoft began 2011 with a light touch, but IT pros can expect a decidedly heavy February security update next Tuesday.

Google Offers $20,000 To Hack Chrome

Google is looking to reward those who can find a vulnerability in its Chrome browser.

Microsoft Collects Google's Search Data for Bing

Microsoft admitted to copying search information in response to complaints from No. 1 search giant Google.

Messing With Web Components

Hackers go after your browsing sessions. Plus: Conficker worm is gone, but not forgotten; unrest in Egypt worries Microsoft, Cisco.

Microsoft Investigating MHTML Vulnerability in IE

Microsoft released Security Advisory 2501696 in response a scripting vulnerability in Internet Explorer that affects all versions of Windows.

Amazon Launches Bulk E-mail Service

Add transactional e-mail hosting and distribution to the list of services offered by Amazon Web Services.

Microsoft Embracing Open Source Drupal 7 CM System

Microsoft today highlighted some of its interoperability accomplishments reflected with the release of the open source Drupal 7 content management (CM) system.

Schmidt Stepping Down as Google's CEO

Eric Schmidt, Google's CEO, will be stepping down from that position while continuing to serve the company as executive chairman.

Microsoft Releases Free MAP 5.5 Toolkit

Version 5.5 of the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit was released early this week.

W3C Unveils New HTML 5 Logo

The Worldwide Web Consortium today unfurled an HTML 5 logo as part of an overall publicity campaign.

Google Dropping H.264 Codec Support in Chrome

Google announced on Tuesday that it plans to support open video codecs in its Chrome Web browser going forward, and it will drop support for the H.264 video codec.

January Windows Security Patch Lacks IE Fix

As expected, Microsoft today released two security bulletins in its January security update.

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