
IE 9 Less Dogged by Add-On Problems, Microsoft Says

Microsoft is gaining the upper hand over problems in Internet Explorer 9 traced to browser add-ons, the company announced today.

U.S. Energy Lab Hit by Phishing Attack

According to an Oak Ridge National Laboratory spokeswoman, a "very sophisticated" piece of malware apparently designed to steal technical information from the Energy Department lab's network caused laboratory officials to shut down its e-mail and Internet access last week.

IE 10 Won't Run on Vista

Microsoft's MIX 11 fanfare last week included the new IE 10 platform preview, but no mention was made at that time that it won't run on Windows Vista.

U.S. Lawsuit Targets Coreflood Botnet Perpetrators

Individuals responsible for the Coreflood botnet and its malware face legal scrutiny after the U.S. government announced lawsuits on Wednesday.

Microsoft Releases IE 10 Platform Preview

Microsoft today announced the first platform preview of Internet Explorer 10 today at its MIX 11 Web developer event, ongoing this week.

Google Gets Legal Clearance To Buy ITA

The U.S. Department of Justice announced on Friday that it conditionally approved Google's acquisition bid for ITA Software Inc.

E-Mail Marketing Firm Hacked, Customer Data Accessed

Epsilon, a worldwide marketing service firm, reported on Friday that its clients' customer data, used in e-mail campaigns, have been compromised.

Google Blocking Search Competitors in Europe, Microsoft Claims

Microsoft on Wednesday announced that it had filed a complaint with European Commission against Google's search-ad practices.

Microsoft Issues Alert on Fraudulent Digital Certificates

Nine fraudulent digital certificates are circulating and could be in use by hackers, Microsoft warned yesterday.

Microsoft Helps Shut World's Largest Spam Network

In conjunction with federal law enforcement agencies, Microsoft's Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) announced on Thursday that it had helped pulled the plug on the Rustock spybot network.

Microsoft Rolls Out Tools for IE 9 Installs

Microsoft pointed to install resources following the release of IE 9, which was downloaded 2.35 million times in the first 24 hours.

HP CEO Plans Major Focus on Cloud Computing

Underscoring that cloud computing will be integral to its strategy moving forward, Hewlett-Packard Co. plans to launch a public cloud service, company CEO Leo Apotheker said Monday at the company's annual analyst meeting.

Browsium Offers IE 6 Web App Continuity Solution

IT organizations struggling with upgrading their Internet Explorer 6-based Web apps may be interested in a new tool released today by Browsium Inc.

Microsoft Extols IE 9 on Day of Its Release

Microsoft's one-year effort developing Internet Explorer 9 is coming to fruition as it readies its browser release tonight.

Adobe Confirms Zero-Day Hole Exploited by Hackers

Adobe has released a security advisory on a "critical" vulnerability in its Flash Player that could cause a system crash and allow for remote access by an attacker.

Microsoft To Release IE 9 on March 14

Microsoft plans to release Internet Explorer 9 on Monday, which will be the final product, or release-to-Web version, of the browser.

H.264 Patent Group Under Possible Antitrust Scrutiny

Competition surrounding video codec technologies is getting a second look by the U.S. Department of Justice and the California State Attorney General's office, according to a story published last week by The Wall Street Journal.

Microsoft Starts Death Watch for IE 6

Microsoft wants to kill Internet Explorer 6, or at least squeeze down the use of its browser to one percent worldwide.

W3C To Consider Microsoft's Browser Tracking Protection

Microsoft's tracking protection approach used in its Web browser will be reviewed at the Worldwide Web Consortium.

Cisco Ditches Cloud E-Mail Service

Cisco is calling it quits on its cloud-based e-mail service that has been available for testing for the past year.

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