
Apple Shares Turbulent After Reports of Forged Documents Probe

Apple Computer Inc.'s stock option troubles underwent extreme twists following reports of a federal probe into the possible forgery of documents to bolster executives' profits and that CEO Steve Jobs received 7.5 million stock options in 2001 without proper board approval.

Seagate Acquires EVault

Hard-disk drive manufacture makes move into online data storage.

Sony BMG Settles Suit over CD Rootkit Software

Sony BMG Music Entertainment will pay $1.5 million and kick in thousands more in customer refunds to settle lawsuits brought by California and Texas over music CDs that installed a hidden anti-piracy program on consumers' computers.

Microsoft Ships Robotics SDK

Microsoft announced it is shipping the released version 1 of its Microsoft Robotics Studio development environment for creating robotic software for a wide variety of hardware platforms.

Congress Demands Explanation From HP CEO

The congressional panel investigating Hewlett-Packard Co.'s boardroom spying probe has demanded that CEO Mark Hurd explain $1.37 million worth of options he exercised just before the scandal became public, two congressmen said Wednesday.

Microsoft and HP Sign $300M Services Pact

Microsoft and HP announced Wednesday a three-year $300 million deal to collaborate in selling hardware, software and services to their joint customers.

Microsoft and HP To Take On IBM Together

Microsoft Corp. and Hewlett Packard Corp. on Wednesday afternoon announced a wide-ranging agreement that could cause shock waves among large, enterprise-focused consultants and service providers.

Report: Wi-Fi Demand Up 25 Pct. in '06

Demand for microchips that help laptops, video game consoles and other gadgets connect wirelessly to the Internet pushed higher in 2006, a trade group said Monday.

Japan Launches Trade Probe of LCD Makers

Japan's trade watchdog is investigating Sharp, NEC, South Korea's LG.Philips LCD and other liquid crystal display manufacturers for allegedly agreeing to cut output to curb falls in panel prices, officials said Tuesday.

HP CEO Says More Cost-Cutting Ahead

Computer maker Hewlett-Packard Co. still has more cost-cutting ahead, even after a massive restructuring that has sliced the work force by 10 percent, Chief Executive Mark Hurd told analysts Tuesday.

Microsoft and Dell Roll Out Unified Storage

Dell and Microsoft Corp. announced Wednesday that the PC maker is shipping a unified, networked storage system based on the software giant's Unified Data Storage Server 2003.

A Million Zunes By June?

Still trailing the iPod, Zune still selling better than expected for company, say officials.

Feds Subpoena Graphics Chip-Maker Nvidia

Nvidia Corp. said Friday it has been subpoenaed by federal investigators who are probing possible anticompetive practices among makers of computer graphics chips.

Keep Your Hard Drive Healthy

Diskeeper helps keep today's monster hard drives neat and organized.

20,000 Device Drivers Ready for Vista

For those who have been frequently frustrated in the past when new versions of Windows did not support their hardware, the times, they are a-changing.

Dell Postpones Earnings Report, Says SEC Probe Unrelated

Shares of Dell Inc. fell Thursday after the company delayed its third-quarter earnings report and said federal regulators had begun a formal investigation into the computer company

AMD Discontinues Low-Cost PC

Chip-maker Advanced Micro Devices Inc. has quietly discontinued a money-losing line of low-cost PCs aimed at helping customers in developing countries get access to the Internet, according to a regulatory filing.

Intel Rolls Out Quad-Core Processors

Intel Corp., the world's largest computer chip maker, on Tuesday launched the world's first "quad-core" processors, a new line of chips that feature four computing brains and improved performance over previous models with just one or two processing cores.

IBM Galvanized by Video Game Business

No matter whether Nintendo Co., Microsoft Corp. or Sony Corp. wins the video game console war, there already is one huge victor: IBM Corp., which designed and makes the microprocessors for all three units.

New A's Ballpark May Boast Heavy Cisco Tech

If Cisco Systems Inc. has its way, the Oakland Athletics' new ballpark in Fremont, California, will be the stadium of the future.

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