
Partners, Pick up the Phone -- Customers Are Standing By

The Response Point phone system takes center stage at Microsoft's annual online-only event for entrepreneurs.

Intel Aims Modular Server at SMB Space

Offering includes diskless servers, Ethernet switches and a SAN-all in one box.

Vista SP1 Expands Language Support, but Hits USB Snag

As of yesterday, Vista Service Pack 1 is now generally available in all 36 supported languages.

CIOs See Declining IT Budgets in Q1

About a fourth of CIOs in the United States reported decreases in their budgets in the first quarter of this year, according to a survey released by Gartner this month.

Microsoft Releases Robotics Developer Studio 2008 CTP

Microsoft today released the first community technology preview (CTP) of Robotics Developer Studio 2008 at the RoboBusiness conference in Pittsburgh.

Windows XP Licensing Extended for Low-Cost PCs

Microsoft yesterday provided new details about the life of its popular Windows XP operating system.

Always There for You

Hardware and software products use different approaches to high availability.

Brother, Can You Spare a Drive?

On the day they call "Black Wednesday," what didn't go wrong?

VMware Embeds ESX into OEM Servers

Vmware Inc. has taken the next step in delivering virtualization to the IT masses by bundling a lightweight hypervisor into OEM hardware.

VMware Announces Hypervisor Deals for Dell, HP, IBM and Fujitsu-Siemens Servers

Today at VMworld Europe in Cannes, France, VMware announced that within the next 60 days ESX 3i hypervisor will ship embedded in servers from its partners Dell, IBM, HP and Fujitsu-Siemens.

IBM Rolls Out System z10 Mainframe, Plus Dev Tools

IBM today announced the debut of its new System z10 mainframe computer for enterprise data centers.

Allchin, Nash Questioned 'Vista Capable' Label

E-mails that have come to light in the ongoing suit against Microsoft regarding its "Vista Capable" and "Vista Ready" labels for PCs show that even prominent executives within the company questioned the plan.

Amazon Expands Into Data Center Market

Critics thought it was over the top when Amazon.com Inc. expanded from books into music in 1998. When the Web retailer let competitors start selling things alongside its own inventory in 2000, they said Amazon had gone nuts.

IBM Goes After SMB Virtualization with PowerVM Express

Yesterday IBM announced the release of PowerVM Express and a new Power6 microprocessor which, when combined, will bring new efficiencies to virtualization for small- and medium-size businesses, it said.

Macs Vulnerable to Malware? Say It Ain't So!

IT security firm Sophos this week let the cat out of the bag, spilled the beans, and otherwise debunked the widely treasured myth that Macs are invulnerable to malware in its Security Threat Report 2008; released Tuesday.

Strongspace's 10-Day Crash Highlights Web Storage Risks

For the past 10 days, Sausalito, Calif.-based online document and storage hosting company Joyent struggled to get its online secure document collaboration service, Strongspace, back online.

Cisco Security Agent Bonked By BOV

Plus: SonicWALL exposes VPN; Microsoft kills 'kill switch'; ESPN sports bad code; more.

News Analysis: Is Green IT Falling Short?

Green IT. Everyone wants it or is paying lip service about wanting it.

Microsoft Eliminates MEDC; Content Going to Other Conferences

Redmond's MEDC will be rolled into ESC and Tech Ed 2008.

Cisco Changes Management Structure

A "development council" composed of several executives will replace Cisco Systems Inc. CEO heir-apparent Charles Giancarlo, who has resigned.

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