
Intel Aims Modular Server at SMB Space

Offering includes diskless servers, Ethernet switches and a SAN-all in one box.

Vista SP1 Expands Language Support, but Hits USB Snag

As of yesterday, Vista Service Pack 1 is now generally available in all 36 supported languages.

CIOs See Declining IT Budgets in Q1

About a fourth of CIOs in the United States reported decreases in their budgets in the first quarter of this year, according to a survey released by Gartner this month.

Microsoft Releases Robotics Developer Studio 2008 CTP

Microsoft today released the first community technology preview (CTP) of Robotics Developer Studio 2008 at the RoboBusiness conference in Pittsburgh.

Windows XP Licensing Extended for Low-Cost PCs

Microsoft yesterday provided new details about the life of its popular Windows XP operating system.

Brother, Can You Spare a Drive?

On the day they call "Black Wednesday," what didn't go wrong?

VMware Embeds ESX into OEM Servers

Vmware Inc. has taken the next step in delivering virtualization to the IT masses by bundling a lightweight hypervisor into OEM hardware.

Always There for You

Hardware and software products use different approaches to high availability.

Worldwide PC Shipments Expected To Rise 10.9 Percent in 2008

Gartner predicted that worldwide PC shipments will be up 10.9 percent this year over last, although it also warned that strains on the economy could drop that number.

Analysts: Upgrading to Vista SP1 on Intel Chips? Proceed with Caution

PCs made by Hewlett-Packard, Gateway, China's Lenovo and others couldn't be upgraded to Vista Service Pack 1 if they were using certain Intel chipsets.

Analysis: System z10 Drastically Alters the Mainframe Market

Like the z9 EC and z9 BC systems that preceded it, IBM's System z10 drastically alters the rules of the mainframe game.

Citrix, HP Team Up on Embedded Hypervisor

Citrix has become the latest entry into the increasingly-crowded field of embedded hypervisors.

Scientists Take Step Toward Molecular Electronics

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have built working electronic devices using a thin layer of organic molecules on a traditional silicon platform, setting the stage for the next step toward practical molecular electronics.

Intel, Microsoft Collaborate With Universities on Parallel Computing Initiative

For Microsoft and Intel, the computing universe is going parallel.

HP Bundles Datacenter Services in Name of Efficiency

A report commissioned by Hewlett-Packard Company earlier this year suggests that a major issue for a third of the CIOs surveyed is unwieldy growth of datacenters in the next two to five years, particularly as the number of business services and applications that are deployed through them continues to head skyward.

Microsoft and Adobe Agree on Mobile Flash Licensing

Microsoft licensed two of Adobe's software products for use with smartphones that run Microsoft Windows Mobile operating systems, according to an announcement issued by Adobe today.

Sun-Microsoft Collab Results in Interop Center

Sun, Microsoft are working together to develop a set of guidelines for implementing Exchange Server 2007 on Sun server and storage hardware.

Apple To Add Exchange Support to iPhones

Apple has announced a forthcoming update to its iPhone 2.0 software that will include built-in support for Microsoft's Exchange ActiveSync.

Open Source Computer Donation Program Aims To Go Nationwide

Ensuring that schools in low-income communities have access to the same technologies as wealthier schools isn't enough for James Burgett, executive director of the Alameda County Computer Resource Center in Northern California. He wants them to have better technology, and he wants them to have it for free.

Software AG Releases Mainframe Modernization Suite

Enterprise solution provider Software AG announced its webMethods Application Modernization Suite -- software designed to bring service-oriented architecture (SOA) technology and other improvements to standard mainframe infrastructures.

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