Foley on Microsoft

XP: The OS that Won't Die

That's good news for users, but not necessarily for Microsoft.

For Microsoft, 'Open' Is the Hardest Word

When it comes to being open source-friendly, it's usually one step forward, two steps back.

Will Azure Evolve Into Microsoft's Fifth Major Platform?

Microsoft's neither confirming nor denying, but Azure certainly has all the symptoms of a platform -- and developers should take note.

Getting Touchy About Touch

Memo to Microsoft: New isn't always better.

Microsoft's Morphing Business Model

More and more, the company is turning to Web-focused models.

5 Ways Redmond Can Fix Its Mobile Mess

Microsoft should learn a couple of things from its Vista missteps.

IE8: Microsoft Thinks Different

From standards-compliance to testing, Microsoft is rethinking its strategy for the upcoming browser.

What Does User Feedback Mean?

Microsoft is shifting its gears when it comes to incorporating feedback into its products.

Microsoft Leaks Like a Sieve

The company tries to plug the information drain after Gates' departure.

Does Live Mesh Have a Business Future?

Microsoft's reticence notwithstanding, many people are excited about what Live Mesh can offer.

Will Windows Service Pack History Repeat Itself?

Vista SP2 might be a whole new OS in everything but name only.

Microsoft's SOA Strategy: Back to Earth

The skinny on "Oslo."

The White Elephant in the Room?

Puzzling over Silverlight? You're not alone.

10 Apples To Tempt Microsoft

Here's hoping that Microsoft doesn't fall for the bait.

2007: All About Windows Vista

Vista's debut year had mixed results.

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