Foley on Microsoft

Microsoft and the 'Internet of Things'

Mary Jo Foley on how understanding this concept puts Microsoft's future Windows Phone strategy into perspective.

Why 'Windows 8' Isn't What I Thought It Would Be

Mary Jo Foley explains why Microsoft's Windows 8 strategy looks like a faulty one to her -- especially when it comes to tablets.

Why Microsoft Shouldn't Try to Be Apple

According to long-time Microsoft watcher Mary-Jo Foley, now is the time for Microsoft executives to come to grips with the fact that Redmond is not Apple -- and that's OK.

Is Microsoft on the Right Path with Windows Phone?

Mary-Jo Foley weighs in on why so many pundits are coming down so hard on Microsoft's WP7 strategy.

Why Microsoft Won't Dump Bing

Microsoft watcher Mary Jo Foley says that just like Ballmer, Bing isn't going anywhere. Here's why.

Future of Office: What We Know So Far

Mary Jo Foley offers a round-up of all the inside Office information she's been tracking.

Feeding Microsoft's Cash Calves: What Will Replace Windows and Office

Windows and Office have been Microsoft's cash cows for years, but what will the next generation bring?

Microsoft and the 'Consumerization of IT'

Microsoft was one of the first tech vendors to truly jump on the 'CoIT' bandwagon, on that says consumer-focused technologies are where the action is. Here's what to expect next from Redmond.

Wake Up, Microsoft! Consumers Aren't Going To Wait for You...

Mary-Jo Foley calls to task those at Microsoft who still don't get that the company's slow roll-out pace for its consumer offerings, like WP7 OS updates and Windows tablets, will eventually leave it out of the race entirely.

Scorecarding: How Microsoft Measures Its Own Success

Mary-Jo Foley takes you inside the metrics Microsoft uses to judge itself.

5 Futuristic Microsoft Technologies

From Codebook to XAX, here's five upcoming Microsoft technologies Mary-Jo Foley says to watch out for.

Whither -- or Wither -- the Winpad?

Mary Jo Foley weighs in on whether Microsoft actually has a shot in the tablet space.

Microsoft's Biggest Moments of 2010

It's December, and that means one thing for us pundits: It's time for our annual look-back and look-ahead columns.

Microsoft's Internal Tug-of-War: The Open Platform vs. Closed Camps, Who Will Win Out?

Mary Jo Foley looks at Microsoft's back-and-forth decisions on whether its software and other offerings should be locked in to the Windows ecosphere or be available to everyone.

The Many Faces of Microsoft...

Could there be fewer versions of Windows? More importantly, does it matter?

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