Foley on Microsoft

What Will It Take for Microsoft's Surface to Sell?

Mary Jo Foley argues that if Microsoft's table is to start flying off the shelves, a serious price cut and the addition of differing models that the public actually wants are needed.

5 Microsoft Moves To Boost Windows Phone Market Share

Mary Jo Foley lays out a five-point plan for Microsoft gain some sales traction in the smartphone landscape.

Microsoft's Next CEO: Who's on the Short List?

Following the surprising immediate departure of Windows President Steven Sinofsky late last year, many are asking who will be CEO Steve Ballmer's successor.

Mary Jo Foley on The Next Big Thing for Microsoft: 'The New Office'

With Microsoft's focus on Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 and Surface RT in 2012, Mary Jo Foley comments on what Microsoft will be pushing next year.

After Windows 8, What's Next in the Pipeline from Microsoft?

Mary Jo Foley on what to expect from Microsoft once the Windows 8 dust clears.

Mastering the Microsoft Name Game

Mary Jo Foley provides a helpful guide on Microsoft's product name changes, and provides some insight on the company's method to the name madness.

Microsoft's Touch-Based Future: Will Customers Follow?

Mary Jo Foley discusses why Windows 8 is just the latest example of how the company is trying to push customers into a future that they're not ready for.

Has Microsoft Become a Leaner, Meaner Fighting Machine?

Mary Jo Foley looks at Microsoft's product line changes over the last year and wonders if it's indicative of a larger shift.

Can Microsoft Speed the Pace of Windows?

Mary Jo Foley on whether Microsoft can/will turn up the speed in which it delivers new updates.

Why Does Microsoft Keep Partnering with Underdogs?

Microsoft has a lot riding on partnerships with Yahoo!, Nokia and Barnes & Noble. Mary Jo Foley wonders why, and what the impact would be of any of these go under.

A United Microsoft: How Real Is It?

Mary Jo Foley on how Microsoft is trying to unite itself, and whether it's actually working.

Windows 8: Show Us the Hardware!

Mary Jo Foley points out that while Microsoft can talk Windows 8 all it wants, there's currently no hardware that can truly show off what Window 8 will do.

Windows 8 Phones: Can Microsoft Catch Up?

Mary Jo Foley on the impact Windows 8 smartphones may give Microsoft in the marketplace.

Can Microsoft Save Windows Azure?

Mary Jo Foley speculates on the future of Microsoft's public cloud play.

12 Microsoft Hot Buttons for 2012

Mary Jo Foley on what she'll be watching for from Microsoft in 2012.

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