In-Depth Features

Perfecting Project Management

Whether on-site or hosted, today's project-management software can help you get a handle on day-to-day administration.

Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007: BI Worth the Price?

At first glance, Redmond's new server looks like a solid solution for business intelligence.

Can MicroHoo Take On Google?

The time may be right for Redmond's acquisition, but there are planty of obstacles littering the road to a smooth technical merging of Microsoft and Yahoo.

The Windows Firewall: You Can Turn It on Now

Too intimidated to enable your Windows XP and Windows Vista Firewall? Be afraid no more.

Build an IT Structure for Compliance

Any of these solutions can help ensure that you're following organizational policies or regulatory requirements.

Windows Server 2008: Taking a Closer Look

Virtualization and configurability in Microsoft's new server OS present enterprise IT shops with both challenges and opportunities.

Laying the Groundwork for Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Redmond's new database server is a complex product often running mission-critical apps. You can't afford to not get it right.

Searching for an Answer in the Enterprise

As the clamor from IT shops for better internal search grows louder, competition among vendors both large and small gets hotter.

Windows Server 2008: So Far, So Good

Enhanced administration, security, IIS updates and virtualization promise to make moving to Microsoft's new server OS worthwhile.

Above the Rest: Windows 2008's Terminal Services Client

One shining gem you can't ignore in the new Windows Server 2008 OS -- one which might compel you to upgrade -- is the implementation of Terminal Services.

SQL Closes the Distance

Redmond is gaining, but when will it -- or can it -- overtake longtime market leader Oracle?

The List Issue

Our staff picks out the best, the worst and the most unusual in this eclectic set of categories.

Top 5 Tricks for Excel and Outlook

Like their Office 2007 brethren Word and PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook have some snazzy new features as well.

Excel 2007: New Features Outweigh Upgrade Hassles

Although most users still struggle with the new ribbon interface, many say Excel 2007's new features make it a worthwhile upgrade.

Microsoft MapPoint vs. Virtual Earth

Packaged software or Web service for running mapping applications?

Exchange Server 2007: First-Class Mail

The ultimate killer app is e-mail and Microsoft's lastest version of Exchange taps into 64-bit power to drive a host of new capabilities.

Manage Your Carbon Footprint

The growing importance of energy efficiency gives IT a leadership role in the enterprise.

IBM Plans Major Security Initiative

IBM Corp. plans to announce Thursday that it will boost what it spends developing computer security products to $1.5 billion in 2008, reflecting an intensifying focus for the company.

Unix: The 64-Bit Gold Standard

Many say it will be years before 64-bit Windows becomes a serious challenger.

Top 5 Tricks for Word and PowerPoint

These flagship Office 2007 apps have some interesting new functions, if you know where to look.

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