Exchange 2010

Collaboration Considered 'Essential' and 'Time Wasting'

An industry-sponsored survey finds that the majority of business leaders and executives see team-based projects resulting in waste of time.

Kentucky Shifts Education System to Live@edu

Kentucky switched over its PK-12 public education system to Live@edu to meet its e-mail, communications and collaboration needs.

Alloy ITIL Tool Integrates With Exchange

Alloy Software has released Alloy Navigator 6, an update to its Navigator integrated IT operations management application.

Cloud Takes Different Shapes for Two Exchange 2010 Deals

For some enterprises, BPOS is fine but others opt for private cloud deployments.

Survey Tracks Exchange 2010 Migration Plans

A study found that 44 percent of surveyed orgs plan to migrate to Microsoft Exchange 2010 in the next 18 months.

Big Security Patch Expected on Tuesday

Expect a whopper patch next week, as Microsoft is planning to release 11 fixes in its April security update.

SP1 Arriving This Year for Exchange Server 2010

Microsoft today announced updates to come in Service Pack 1 of Exchange Server 2010.

Azure and BPOS: Clearing the Fog Around Microsoft's Cloud Computing Offerings

A closer look at the Windows Azure Platform and the Business Productivity Online Suite.

Virtualizing Your Exchange Environment

The decision to virtualize Exchange can be a difficult one, but it can also pay off for some organizations. Here's what to consider when looking at running Exchange in a virtual environment.

Microsoft Unveils New Communications Server

Microsoft today gave the first public preview of its planned Office Communications Server upgrade.

Microsoft Ups Exchange Online Mailbox Storage to 25 GB

Microsoft increased the mailbox storage capacity for users of its hosted business productivity online suite of applications.

Google Offers Tool To Ditch Microsoft Exchange

Google announced the "Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exchange" tool, designed to make it easier for IT departments to abandon Exchange for Google Apps.

Microsoft Planning BPOS Changes in March

Microsoft described some progress behind its business productivity online suite offerings on Thursday.

Exchange 2010 Upgrade Strategies Outlined in Report

IT shops should assess their environments before upgrading to Microsoft Exchange 2010, according to a Forrester Research report published last week.

Microsoft Disputes IBM's Claims in Panasonic Deal

IBM's hosted e-mail agreement with Panasonic, announced on Thursday, drew swift ire from Microsoft.

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