
Windows Phone 7: A Good Bet?

Microsoft is taking a lot of risks with its forthcoming Windows Phone 7 platform.

Back Up Active Directory and GPOs

Active Directory is obviously a critical part of your infrastructure -- so what are you doing to protect it?

Ribbon Brings Unwelcome Changes

In a recent Barney's Rubble column, Doug Barney wrote about the Microsoft Ribbon interface and the opposing user views about its usefulness.

Windows PowerShell Is Not a Scripting Language

Even if you're no longer a hands-on, technical IT practitioner, you've surely got some familiarity with it.

Windows 7 Security Tips: Keep Your Files Safe with BitLocker and AppLocker

Keep your files safe with BitLocker and AppLocker.

Hands-On With Office Communications Server

So recently, it was just a short hop from here to the Waltham, Mass., offices of Microsoft, where I enjoyed the Customer Immersion Experience and saw many 2010 products up close and personal. They even made me use them!

A Flood of Fixes in April

This month is among the busiest, with patches coming from Microsoft, Adobe and others. Plus: Black Hat Tech Con tackles Web-originated attacks; looking for motives in the cyberspying world.

Patches Galore In Store for 2010

With April's planned patch releases, Microsoft sets pace to exceed 2009's fixes. Plus: Conficker, a year later; how you set admin rights may be key to overall security, says one vendor.

Is Microsoft Patrolling Patents Again?

It's been almost three years since Microsoft threw down the gauntlet by claiming that open source and Linux software infringed on 235 of the company's patents.

iSecurity: Keeping Your E-mail Safe

How to keep your corporate e-mail and info safe when employees use iPhones to access data.

Hyper-V's Missing Feature

Windows Insider has returned to Redmond -- and it feels good to be home!

Fond Memories

Readers weigh in on Doug's recent "Best Dead Companies" column.

The Great Ribbon Debate

Recently I asked about the Ribbon interface -- which is now 3 years old -- and 30 of you responded. You'd think that after three years on the market, IT would be used to the Ribbon. Nothing doing.

SQL Q&A: Users Questions Answered

Exploring distributed transactions, performance counters and SQL backups.

Windows 7 Resource Kit PowerShell Pack: Pack Some Power in Your Shell

If you've been using Windows PowerShell for a while, hopefully you've discovered how much it can help in day-to-day administration, as well as how easy it is to use.

The Quest for Compliance

Welcome to Redmond magazine's newest column, directed at IT decision makers and influencers.

Standards for Self-Assessed Security

The Jericho Forum proposes security vendors self-assess and certify their security capabilities. Plus: Microsoft might release IE off-cycle update; Koobface shows itself, again.

Arguing Over Botnet Taxation Leads to No Results

The debate continues over an Internet taxation framework. Plus: Report on IE and Firefox bug issues; Small number of Microsoft patches for March.

All Eyes on RSA

The annual security conference revisits some familiar topics. Plus, Microsoft issues IE-centric security advisory; educating enterprises about Windows 7 security.

WPF vs. Silverlight

It's looking more and more like there's a battle between the Windows Presentation Foundation team and the Silverlight team -- and Silverlight is winning.

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