
Is PowerShell Really the Only Future for Windows Admins?

Whether or not the future of Windows administration will be the command line, you're doing yourself a disservice by not at least strongly considering this possibility (and preparing accordingly).

How-To: Get Your Windows Phone 7 in Sync with Exchange

The new Windows mobile platform, code-named "Mango," brings back some of the synchronization features important for enterprise use.

Why Microsoft Shouldn't Try to Be Apple

According to long-time Microsoft watcher Mary-Jo Foley, now is the time for Microsoft executives to come to grips with the fact that Redmond is not Apple -- and that's OK.

Letters: More of Readers' Windows 8 Advice for Microsoft

What do you all want to see from Windows 8? Here's what you told us.

Is Flash Memory in the Future of Your Storage Network?

While SSDs are currently too expensive for primary SAN storage, that won't be the case in the future.

Jobs Satisfaction

Doug's latest column focuses on the legacy of Steve Jobs.

Best Practices for Migrating to IE 9 & Keeping Your Legacy Apps Alive

Migrating from Internet Explorer 6 to a modern browser can be faster, cheaper and easier than you think -- if you know the right tricks.

Virtualization Licensing: Time To Take a Fresh Look at Your Virtual Infrastructure

Virtualization licensing is changing -- take time now to review your infrastructure (and all the vendor options) now to make sure you're getting the best deal going forward.

Keeping XP Alive

Doug muses on the future demise of XP -- and why it may never completely go away

Is Microsoft on the Right Path with Windows Phone?

Mary-Jo Foley weighs in on why so many pundits are coming down so hard on Microsoft's WP7 strategy.

Is the iPad Changing the IT-User Relationship?

The role of the operating system is changing, and changing the role of IT with it.

Hands-On First Impressions of Windows Phone 7 'Mango'

I lay out the good and the bad of the improved Windows Phone 7 OS.

How To Protect Your Network with Lync 2010 Edge Server

DoS and password brute-force attacks can be particularly nasty, but you can protect your network against these types of disruptions.

Windows 8: Hyper-V on the Desktop

Virtualization solutions in Windows 8 will help with the data size for mobile devices.

Can You Trust Vendors in the Cloud Age?

From security concerns to whether a product (or vendor) will be around in three years, there's a lot to consider when picking your next tech vendor, esp. in the age of the cloud (and yes, you'll still need on-premise staffing).

August Letters From Readers: Tech Pet Peeves

Redmond magazine readers share what gets their goat when it comes it technology.

Automating Windows 7 Deployments (and It's Free!)

Take the time to get the most out of Microsoft's free Windows 7 automation deployment tools -- you won't regret it.

Windows 8 Wishes

Vendors that listen to customers tend to succeed -- and those that don't, fail.

Voting in Outlook 2010: How To Create an E-mail Poll

Here's step-by-step instructions on how to add custom polls in your Outlook messages.

Why Microsoft Won't Dump Bing

Microsoft watcher Mary Jo Foley says that just like Ballmer, Bing isn't going anywhere. Here's why.

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