
Adobe Releases Yet Another Flash Bandage

Plus, LulzSec crumbles from the inside, readers respond to proposed changes to Windows 8 password procedure.

Windows 8 Phones: Can Microsoft Catch Up?

Mary Jo Foley on the impact Windows 8 smartphones may give Microsoft in the marketplace.

Unified System Center: Great for Microsoft, Tough for ISVs

It appears Microsoft System Center 2012 will be hot...but that's not a good thing for everyone.

War of Word

Doug on his struggles with Word 2007.

Calculating Cost: What's Your Time Worth?

When considering a new tool for your IT team, taking only the product cost into considering is about the most short-sighted thing you can do.

March Reader Letters: Goodbye to the GUI

Readers respond to a recent column by Don Jones showing that the Windows Server GUI is going to be downplayed (if not eventually non-existent) in future editions.

What's To Become of Passwords in Windows 8?

Will facial recognition and photo manipulation replace the traditional password in Microsoft's next OS?

The Tablet Transition

While the tablet won't be replacing the laptop anytime soon, tablets continue to improve their usability.

Survey: PowerShell Skills Matter

Want a job in Windows IT? Get your scripting skills down.

Can Microsoft Save Windows Azure?

Mary Jo Foley speculates on the future of Microsoft's public cloud play.

Virtual Clouds: Top 4 Security Concerns

Using virtual machines within the context of a cloud computing infrastructure poses some interesting security challenges. Here's what you need to be aware of before implementing any cloud project.

System Center Key for 'Mature' Windows IT

To get the most out of System Center, you can't just implement it -- you have to dedicate your shop to automation.

Using Your Laptop Abroad

When traveling overseas, your laptop adapter won't be enough. Here are some tips to keep in mind for those world travelers.

Bloated Software Woes

This month Doug looks back at the good ole' days of software -- and how tablets may bring it all back.

January 2012 Letters: Security Concerns

Your take on IT security and other issues.

Saving Videos With Internet Explorer

Having trouble saving Internet videos to your computer? Brien walks you through a lesser-know Internet Explorer exploit that should get the job done.

12 Microsoft Hot Buttons for 2012

Mary Jo Foley on what she'll be watching for from Microsoft in 2012.

Space to Watch: Runbook Automation

Coupled with a good monitoring system, RBA tasks can become automated responses to detected conditions -- creating a more self-healing IT environment.

12 New Year's Resolutions for Windows IT Pros in 2012

The year 2012 should be a banner year for Microsoft. With what seems like every product going through a major revision, this year means more changes for the Information Technology industry than any year in recent memory.

Privacy Is Dead

Doug's column this month focuses on the truly dismal state of privacy these days.

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