
U.S. Drops Down on the 'Dirty Dozen' Spam List

India takes over the top spot of spamming countries.

Is Privacy Completely Dead?

One reader thinks there's no going back to privacy now that we live in the age of the Internet.

Microsoft Continues To Beat the Conflicker Drum

The worm continues to infect millions every year.

ISPs Hunting Illegal Copyright Distribution

They'll be taking the law into their own hands.

Google Busted for Safari Privacy Workaround

A hefty fine could be coming Google's way.

Internet Service Providers To Become Piracy Police?

With little news on how exactly ISPs will monitor illegal online activity, giving them this much power seems like a bad idea.

Vista SP1 Support Ending, OS Problems Coming

If you haven't jumped from the Vista ship yet, you might want to.

China Claims the Top Hackers

This is definitely not an honor I would want.

Welcome to Patch Tuesday, Windows 8

Microsoft's test OS versions receive a .NET Framework fix.

Windows 8: Show Us the Hardware!

Mary Jo Foley points out that while Microsoft can talk Windows 8 all it wants, there's currently no hardware that can truly show off what Window 8 will do.

Used Xbox May Hide Your Credit Card Info

You may want to hold onto that inactive gaming console instead of selling it.

Most Are Running Vulnerable Versions of Java

Just like your OS, Java should be updated as soon as patches are released.

3 Reasons Office 365 Could Ultimately Fail

After migrating a non-technical friend to Microsoft's Office 365, Greg now wonders whether the online suite can make it long-term.

Think of Yourself as an Outsourced Services Provider

Your clients aren't customers; part of doing your job right will be saying "no."

Limits of Unlimited Storage

The capability is there but, according to Doug, the tools are lacking.

Will Security Be Sacraficed in Windows 8's Internet Explorer 10?

Plus, the return of LulzSec.

Did a MS Partner Publically Leak a Windows Flaw?

Plus: App makers go in front of the judge, Web app security guidelines.

Initial Reaction to the Windows 8 Consumer Preview

Brien loads up the early test build of Microsoft's upcoming OS on his tablet and hits the road.

Understanding Virtualization Classes in Cloud Computing

There are several different approaches to -- or classes of -- virtualization, each suited to their own specific situations. Here's your guide to when to use what.

Mozilla Didn't Properly Plan for Microsoft's Monthly Patch

Plus: Better user password starts with password policy, Google's Chrome browser hacked at the Pwn2Own contest.

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