
[email protected]: April 2006

No life without Microsoft, Microsoft's hardware upgrade and Web services campaigns, and InfoPath.

Database Scrambled. No Backups. What Now?

One reader encounters every IT administrator's worst nightmare (and learn one of many uses of a hotel sink).

Microsoft's 'New' SA Results in Same-Old Story

Despite the press coverage you might be reading about Software Assurance's new benefits, don't change your approach just yet.

Service Pack It Up

Figure out which Service Pack you have running on your machines with this tool tip from Don.

[email protected]: March 2006

Fighting software audits, Camtasia Studio, fatter clients and a reader's defense of Google.

That Isolated Feeling

Taking an isolationist approach is sometimes good -- especially for securing your domains and servers.

Windows Goes High Performance

Microsoft joins the supercomputing race with Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003.

Is Microsoft Buying into the Web 2.0 Hype?

All indications show that the software giant has finally succumbed.

Down the Winding InfoPath

Use Microsoft's least-understood Office tool to create XML-based forms.

Linux (and the Mac) Aren't Even Trying

If they are trying to compete with Microsoft, we wouldn't know.

Microsoft's Divide and Conquer Strategy

If you think Microsoft will be offering the many upcoming versions of Office and Vista simply in the name of consumer choice, then Braden's got a bridge he'd like to sell you.

IE’s Extreme Security Makeover

Microsoft throws in a bevy of new features in Internet Explorer 7 to improve security -- but are they enough?

Give Me a Blank Check, Microsoft!

Foley's list of the top 10 things she would do if she was in charge of Microsoft's check book.

VMware Changes the Playing Field

VMware's Player tool can make architectures you used to only dream of a reality. Our new Windows Insider columnist, Greg Shields, walks you through the possibilities as well as tips for increasing performance.

Survey Says...

Doug discovers that it's Redmond's readers who really know how to bring on the funny.

Message Hygiene -- Microsoft Style: Part II

Now that you've got those filters going, Joern takes a look at what else you can do to help keep incoming e-mails clean.

[email protected]: February 2006

Which is it: mirroring or clustering? Plus, readers sound off on the future of FoxPro.

Are Software Auditors ‘Shake-Down Artists’?

Scott responds to a reader’s call to action against the “black shirts.”

A Tangled Web of Services

Gates and crew's new direction in offering Microsoft's products as Web services is being met with more confusion than mandate by the industry.

Will Microsoft’s Hardware-Upgrade Push Backfire?

The hardware demands of the next Windows and Office System 2006 products may prove to be not worth the effort for vendors and customers.

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