
Reinvent Yourself

One perk of your Microsoft certification is that it can open new doors along your career path. With so many options, you can choose to reinvent yourself—as Harry is doing.

You Can Always Get What You Want

Even with an MCSE title and plenty of experience in hand, negotiating for a top salary and plenty of perks can be tough. Here are some tips on how to walk away from the table a winner.

New Windows 2000 Track Offers Opportunities

The new Windows 2000 track for MCSEs stresses enterprise complexity because it’s based on key findings from a survey of 2,800 IT professionals worldwide.

Practice Makes Perfect— Or Does It?

These six products offer practice questions for the NT Server in the Enterprise exam. But as our expert reviewer shows, if you don't already know your stuff, you could be led astray.

Server Support Staffing

Do you consider yourself overworked? Consider these factors when you’re trying to determine how large the network staff should be.

Free Agent MCSE

Being an independent can mean big salaries and other perks. But how do you battle the downside of being on your own? And as a manager, how do you convince free agents to stick around?

Big Rocks and Little Time

We all want to manage our time better, right? Harry explores tools that can help you today and offers advice for long-term results.

Analyze This!

How should you read the salary survey numbers?

System Savvy: The Compaq Certification

Stand apart from your peers by adding the Compaq Accredited Systems Engineer title to your MCSE.

Keep Your Top Talent Loyal

Got good people? Want more? So does everyone else in your business. Here are suggestions from a manager on how to convince your top technical staff to stick around.

Salary is Just One Perk of Certification

Hidden beneath the salary survey numbers are additional important facts, including the non-monetary perks of certification.

Where Do You Fit in Reality?

This magazine's salary survey once again threatens to undermine employee-management relationships everywhere, unless we look at it for what it is: a survey.

Lending a Hand

To borrow a catchphrase, there's already a virtual village of mentors who are helping to develop and instill quality and professionalism among the new crop of MCPs.

The End of IT as We Know It

Seems this club for the IT elite is getting crowded. So, how will you define your uniqueness?

The ROI of Certification

How can you boost the return on your certification investment? Cut costs, raise rates, and—for the truly ambitious—consider packing your bags.

Adaptive Testing Works for You

Adaptive testing has met with some resistance, but it really works to your advantage.

Business Pain

It's evident that IT is shifting away from product- and technology-based solutions and toward business-focused solutions. What's your role in all of this?

Getting Along with Difficult People

You’re bound to encounter them at some point in your career. Here are some survival tips for dealing with the tough ones in a professional manner.

Does Your Company Rate?

Many more companies are beginning to understand what it takes to develop and retain skilled IT workers.

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