
Scripting Tweaks

This tool creates scripts for tweaking remote systems.

Automate Your Security

Many security-related tasks can be tedious—and, therefore, overlooked. Using these 10 scripts can make your life easier, while simultaneously locking down your network.

Active Directory Cleanser

Cull unused or deleted accounts using the LDIFDE tool and some scripting trickery.

Build a Better NTFS Converter

Help for working through the steps.

Take Control of Your Network

First, adopt a method and then take inventory.

Security with UrlScan

UrlScan is an invaluable security tool for Web sites. Although IIS 6.0 incorporates some of its functionality, it’s still useful for IIS 6.0 sites—and critical for older versions of IIS.

No More Prying Eyes

Encoding scripts to prevent unauthorized access.

Automating User Mailbox Creation

The trick to creating Exchange 2000 user mailboxes via scripting is in the CDOEXM libraries.

Local Control

Provide users with local admin access via this nifty script.

Script Sampling

A reader needs a dynamic, graphical count of network traffic and wants to use scripting to do it. Bill points to a few sources for understanding scripting.

Desktop Management, Front and Center

Profile Maker 8 allows for incredibly simple control over your enterprise desktops.

Time Traveling

See how three scripts allow for dealing with restore points remotely.

Speaking the Same Language

This month, Chris takes you through a handy script that discovers and enumerates what networking protocols are installed on a host.

Give the My Computer Icon a User Name

It is handy to be able to just look up at the My Computer icon and see where you are and what name you are using.

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