
First Look: WinRM & WinRS

Two new tools from Microosft that can drastically help server and workstation management.

Event by Event

Strapped for cash? Forget expensive server management tools -- here's a real-time event log monitor for the smaller shops.

Old and In the Way

Tired of wading through old folders in your file servers? Check out this script.

Whassup with WSUS?

Considering a WSUS upgrade? You should.

Peek in on Your Processes

Get to know the ins and outs of your system's processes with ProcPeek.

HP To Buy Opsware for $1.6 Billion

Computer and printer company Hewlett-Packard Co. said Monday it will buy data center automation software company Opsware Inc. for about $1.6 billion.

No Shoes, No Script, No Service

Never miss another e-mail notification again.

Quest Buying ScriptLogic

Database, application and Windows-management solutions provider Quest Software will acquire ScriptLogic, a provider of Windows-based network management solutions, for roughly $90 million in cash.

All About Your Hard Drive

Look Mom, take 2: No-script hard drive info, this time using WMIC.

Microsoft Plans Visual Studio Shell

Microsoft is readying a beta of a new SKU of its next generation of Visual Studio, intended for those who want to embed it into their own tools.

The Power of PowerShell

Readers have high praise-and high expectations-for Microsoft's new command-line shell and scripting tool.

Isolation Automation Exploration: Part I

Vista makes system-to-system IPSec authentication MUCH easier, if you know how to use it.

Stay on Schedule

Need to keep track of all your network's scheduled tasks? Here's just the tool to do it.

Laying the Groundwork for Vista: Part II

The resources are there to help ease deployment, now here's the best way to use them.

Instant Log-On Scripts

Generating VBScipt log-on scripts -- without all the the VBS.

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