
NuView to Ship MyView

Houston, Texas-based data management tool vendor NuView says in the next month it will ship a new Active Directory security product aimed at providing administrators with a centralized view of all users and the resources they have access to on an enterprise-wide basis.

NuView’s new MyView is designed to simplify user access privilege management by giving security administrators a way to view all user access and authorizations from a single, unified console. At the same time, it enables users to view and access resources throughout an enterprise that they have permission to access. Meanwhile, it also enables security auditors to monitor and report on which users have access to which resources, according to company statement.

Using the AD security model and user credentials, MyView gives each user a logical view (a personalized namespace) of only those resources he or she has been granted permissions to access. Personalized namespaces can be organized categorically by criteria such as owner, department, location and permission, letting users view their resources in a hierarchical way that makes the most sense to them.

In addition, using MyView, a security auditor can run a simple query to view which users in an organization have access to which files and other resources, and quickly remedy any breaches of internal security policies.

"NuView today delivers a comprehensive solution for provisioning users and storage in an automated, non-disruptive manner thereby bridging the gap between storage and security,” said Rahul Mehta, CEO of NuView in a statement. “This will help enterprises protect vital data from internal threats and enforce internal security mandates and government regulations."

MyView ship within 30 days. Pricing is on a per-user basis.

About the Author

Stuart J. Johnston has covered technology, especially Microsoft, since February 1988 for InfoWorld, Computerworld, Information Week, and PC World, as well as for Enterprise Developer, XML & Web Services, and .NET magazines.


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