
Developer Certifications Get Behind .NET

Newsletter lists numbers and titles for upcoming MCSD exams.

Microsoft has acknowledged the development of new exams for the MCSD track, as well as a mid-level "developer" certification, but hasn't released any development news on these tracks.

According to "Certification Corner," a certification newsletter, several exams in the works have already been labeled and they're .NET related:

  • 70-300 Analyzing Requirements and Designing Solutions Architecture for Windows .NET
  • 70-304 Developing Windows Applications with Visual C++
  • 70-305 Developing Web Applications with VB.NET
  • 70-306 Developing Windows Applications with VB.NET
  • 70-310 Developing Applications on the .NET Framework
  • 70-315 Developing Web Applications with C#
  • 70-316 Developing Windows Applications with C#
    • Microsoft declined to officially acknowledge these exams. However, if this list eventually remains intact, it uses a familiar scheme that Microsoft has been following, only this time the company is heavily pushing the familiar and omnipresent .NET technology. How these exams will fit into the new "developer" track is anyone's guess. It's likely that Microsoft will time the release of details, requirements and course curricula with its Professional Developer Conference in Los Angeles in mid-October.

      "Certification Corner" also lists details of Microsoft's forthcoming exams for the MCSE track:

      • 70-280 Network Systems and Directory Services Fundamentals
      • 70-272 Migrating from NT 4.0 to Windows .NET Server

      The 70-280 exam, according to the newsletter, will be an offering under the new "Systems Administrator" track that Microsoft is developing; there's no indication whether it will also be an MCSE elective. Microsoft has also declined to comment on the development of these exams.


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