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Hyper-V Maddens Microsoft MVP

UPDATE: It's Doug's blog, but it's my post and I'm Michael Domingo, exec.  editor, and fully to blame on the big mistakes in it. 

Commenter Aidan is correct -- I can't find a clue. In my haste,  working with some Hyper-V coverage on other sites, I made the big mistake of equating Hyper-V with anything having to do with Microsoft's virtualization efforts. Still, no excuse for my idiocy.

In any event, we'll leave this post up, mistakes and all, because there are some good discussions on other blogs about the issues around OnLive's licensing deal with Microsoft. Brian Madden's post is a good start (he links to other discussions), but check these other ones as well:

Daniel Eran Dilger at AppleInsider:

Will Shanklin at

A review from The New York Times, sans controversy:

Microsoft CVP of Corporate Licensing and Pricing, Joe Matz, posting on TechNet regarding their investigation of OnLive's licensing deal (well, at least what he can say about it as they dig into the issue a bit deeper):

With that, the unadulterated and idiotic post (if you care to read on, that is....):

Brian Madden is a star in the virtualization realm, so to speak. What he has to say about Microsoft's Hyper-V is eye-opening, and it's got him mad enough to want to dismiss his Microsoft MVP status.

In a nutshell, Madden believes Microsoft's licensing scheme will hinder the use of Hyper-V on a scale to contend with the likes of VMware and Citrix. In particular is the mystery behind the licensing deal that seems to give OnLive Desktop (based on the ads I've been seeing during some of the ESPN sports programming, it looks to be a nifty service where you can run Windows apps virtualized -- even Flash-based ones -- on devices like the Flash-unfriendly iPad) an edge that no other company seems to be able to take advantage of.

For those of you who are willing to look past that and continue to use Hyper-V, do check out Brien Posey's best practices guide. And don't forget Paul Schnackenburg's "Paul on Hyper-V" column over at
-By Michael Domingo

Posted by Michael Domingo on 03/07/2012 at 1:19 PM


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