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Who's Cool?

Coolness is the eye of the beholder, and when it comes to computer companies, opinions vary more than tastes in clothing. I took a crack at determining who was cool and who wasn't and concluded that Google and Apple have lost a portion of their coolness (the former more than the latter),  and that Microsoft was regaining a semblance of coolness by virtue of Windows 7 and the Xbox 360.

One online poster took a more scientific approach and used Google Trends to see how often "cool" and the vendors' names were intermixed.

Turns out I was right about Apple -- it was low on the cool analytics, as was Redmond.

Google had been climbing the cool ladder, but is getting its head handed to it by Facebook -- a call I fortunately made.

Who is hot and not in your opinion? Share at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 07/19/2010 at 1:18 PM


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